Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 4)

This is part 4 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.


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Markdown is a simple and fast markup language that can be used to format most documents. Using a plain-text editor you can write books, reports, presentations, mindmaps, personal notes, blog posts and so on. Different types of software can convert the text file to the relevant format (for example ODT, HTML or PDF). This blog post is written in markdown.

By adding some punctuation marks around certain parts of your text you can mark these parts as headings, lists, add emphasis or links. For example:

Table summarising a few markdown syntax examples

This is just a small sample of the available syntax for detailed information on all the available syntax options check out this guide.

One advantage to markdown is the ability to generate different document formats from the same source document. When I create a presentation using markdown, I can quickly generate a PDF handout that is much more readable as a document with very little effort.

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Check out relevant links tagged markdown in my bookmarks for related software

This post is part of a challenge to write 150 blog posts of 150 words each this year. This is post 34 out of 150.