Transcript of round 2: Mousa vs Fotouh Debate

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Warning: this was typed while the debate was being broadcasted live so there are bits missing and possible inaccuracies. Also lots of spelling and grammatical mistakes.

First round can be found here

AF: Abdel monem abou el-Fotoh AM: Amr Moussa

Moderator: Youssri Fouda

Y: I'd like to greet both of them again .. my role is to ask questions only. I have one comment you shouldn't include questions in your comments.

AM objects

Y: first qestion …

Transcript of round 1: Mousa vs Fotouh Debate

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

UPDATE: Second round is here

Warning: this was typed while the debate was being broadcasted live so there are bits missing and possible inaccuracies. Also lots of spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Link to live broadcast in arabic


Mona el Shazly: Egyptians never chose their president, who would rule. Follow us today so you can choose. With you Mona el Shazly and Yousri fouda

Y: Welcome to the first .. We present this to the …

من ذاكرة المضبطة: تعريص حاد متواصل استمر بعض الوقت

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa


الحقيقة اتسم النظام البائد بالتعريص من النوع الفج، حتى ان مضبطة جلسات مجلس الشعب السابقة مليئة به، في العادة تذكر وقائع التعريص بكلمة أخرى وهي التصفيق وفي العادة يكون مبالغ فيه عندما يتكلم رئيس الجمهورية وقيادات الحزب الوطني. ويذكر بين قوسين (تصفيق) أو (تصفيق حاد) أو (تصفيق حاد استمر بعد الوقت) وكانهم تناولوا منشطات تعريص مستوردة.

في الجلسة المشتركة الافتتاحية بين مجلسي الشعب والشورى والتي، حسب الائحة، يجب ان تبدأ بتلاوة الأية القرآنية (وَق …

أيه أكثر دول عربية حاسة انها مستهدفة؟

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

كل يوم في الاعلام يطلع لنا حد أهبل يحاول يبث الرعب في نفوس الناس ويقولك مصر مستهدفة، الموضوع بيصل لمراحل من الهبل لدرجة ان يقال في مخطط لتقسيم مصر وأنها مؤامرة ماسونية صهيونية صليبية وعك كده. وده في الاعلام الرسمي والخاص يتم نشره ومن رجال دولة ودين وسياسة. عملت مقارنة بين الدول العربية المختلفة في الموضوع ده باستخدام محرك البحث جوجل علشان أعرف أنهي دول عندها البرانويا دي أكبر.

استخدمت محرك البحث جوجل لأنة الأكثر …

Hypnosis in Tahrir

The man in white hair who looks like Jor-El and appears in the projected screen, just like in Superman II, is called Timothy Trujillo and he is someone who is "a Mind-Body Healing Specialist with certificates in Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and Reflexology."

Reiki, Reflexology and Acupuncture are types of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) that have no solid empirical evidence to back them. Their practitioners claim that certain power fields exist and that these therapies …

فرضية العالم العادل وحد الحرابة

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

من ضمن بالونات الاختبار المتتالية منذ فترة، بالونة حد الحرابة. قام أعضاء من حزب النور السلفي بتقديم إقتراح لمشروع قانون يقنن هذا الحد. باختصار هذا الحد مصدره الشريعة الإسلامية والعقوبة تتكون من بتر أطراف الجسم أو الصلب أو الإعدام كعقاب رادع لكل من يقوم بجريمة عنيفة مثل السطو المسلح إلخ..

قام مركز النديم بنشر تلك الصورة على صفحة الفيسبوك. الصورة من السودان.

صورة أربعة أشخاص تم بتر أيديهم وأقدامهم
استقبلت الصفحة العديد من التعليقات التي استنكرت نشر الصورة وأتهم البعض المركز بكونه …

The poor state of Egypt's medico-legal authority

conference room at the medico-legal authority in Cairo

I took part in a training workshop for the medico-legal authority (forensic authority) in December in Cairo and last month in Assiut.

My part in the training was on the psychological consequences of torture. This was part of a training on the Istanbul Protocol, an internationally recognised guideline for medical and legal documentation of cases of torture. The IRCT managed to convince the director of the authority (chief forensic examiner) Dr. Ehsan Gorgy to provide …

Visual propaganda in the #NGOCrackdown case

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Whenever Ahram newspaper asks their graphics team to photoshop anything a scandal erupts. Remember the Mubarak in the lead photo?


This time the content of the photo wasn't the source of the scandal but the entire case and how the government and media insisted that it's a matter of sovereignty. Up to the extent that prime minister Kamal El-Ganzoury said Egypt won't kneel to the US.

Background (skip this if you know the case):
The …

Impaired physicians

Substance abuse among health professionals is serious. An impaired physician may harm the lives of her patients or may lead to their own death as in the case of Dr. Karim Aly. Compared to the general public, physicians have access to very serious medications. More so in certain specialties like anesthesiology.

In the US, 15% of physicians will at one point during their professional lives be impaired. Educating doctors during their undergraduate years and establishing …

7 officers suspended for growing beards

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

7 police officers who tried to grow their beards on duty were quickly suspended by the ministry of interior. This level of firmness is never seen with officers who kill or torture.

The matter of officers growing beards is controversial.

Should the Egyptian police force respect the officers' personal choice and religion, provided they are treated equally and Christians are allowed to wear a cross. Or is it better if the image of law enforcement …