التبرير وأجهزة الكشف على المتفجرات والفيروسات

الصورة من وكالة أنباء أ ف ب.

شرح لي أخ عراقي ان في نقاط التفتيش الأمنية كان منتشر استخدام جهاز الكشف عن المفرقعات الشبيه بجاهز سي-فاست، ولأن الوضع الأمني في العراق منهار فمواطنين كثر بيحتفظوا باشياء مثل اسلحة شخصية ومواد حارقة للمولدات او اشياء اخرى غريبة في سياراتهم لكن ليست مفرقعات، فلو اعتبرنا اريل الجهاز يميل ويختار بشكل عشوائي عدد من السيارات فمن الممكن جدا ان يعثر على تلك الأشياء. وتعتبر بشكل خاطئ دليل على …

Military's Ability to Intimidate Is How Its Virus Detection Device (C-Fast) Works

in «Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine & Mental Health» by moftasa
languages: [en] ar
Special thanks to@Sarahcarrfor translating this post

I learnt from Al-Masry Al-Youm and Youm7 that the army is exhibiting its Hepatitis C detection device (C-Fast) at the EgyMedica fair held at the Cairo Conference Centre.

The Revolution in Diagnosis

The picture Al-Masry Al-Youm posted had written below it that the device detects the Malaria "virus" (Malaria is a parasitic infection and not a virus). I went to town with this on Twitter of course …

Is Medical and Psychological Examination of Presidential Candidates Necessary?

Interim president Adly Mansour introduced to the upcoming presidential elections the requirement that applicants undergo physical and psychological examination. To determine if an applicant is fit to preform his/her duty as president of the republic. The new law does not state which physical or psychological conditions bar applicants from qualifying nor does it state who will examine them.

Dr. Ahmed Okasha assessing Hamdeen Sabahi psychaitrically. Photo from the SMC website.

The Presidential Elections Committee …

Africa has cured AIDS many times before

Mada Masrkindly published this articleearlier. Mada Masr is a brave and informative independent newspaper. Add Mada Masr to your RSS reader or follow theirtwitter account.

The Egyptian military, with their recently announced Complete Cure device, is hardly the first to claim unproven cures for diseases that have ravaged millions of lives. Since the discovery of HIV/AIDS, unproven cures have been advertised and often endorsed by governments all over the world and …

سي سي يعالج الأيدز وفيروس سي

أعلن الجيش المصري الأسبوع الماضي عن تطويره لجهاز يستطيع تشخيص فيروس الأيدز و الالتهاب الكبدي الوبائي سي بدون عينة، بدقة تبلغ 100% و على مسافة تبلغ حتى 500 متراً. هذا الجهاز لا يحتاج للكهرباء و يعتمد في تشغيله على كهرباء الجسم الاستاتيكية.

إن هذا الجهاز ليس إلا "قضيب تكهن"! أنه اختراع مزيف مستوحى من اختراع مزيف آخر مسئول عن مقتل 26000 عراقي طبقاً للبعض. إن الـ ADE651 هو جهاز كاشف عن المتفجرات باعه نصاب بريطاني …

Update on the HIV & HCV miracle cure

More footage of General Ibrahim Abdel Aaty announcing the alleged HIV and Hepatitis C miracle cure appeared online. This one is a must see. There are English subtitles.

It's not clear what he meant by turning AIDS into Kebab. This statement created an incredibly funny social media storm complete with memes and everything. There is a healthy dose of skepticism and worry over the false hope and damage created by this announcement. In my opinion …


The Egyptian military announced yesterday that it has developed a device that can diagnose HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C virus non-invasivly with 100% accuracy and can do so from a distance of up to 500 meters. The device has no electronics and is claimed to be powered by the body's static electricity.

This device is nothing but a divining rod, a sham invention inspired by another sham invention that some hold responsible for the death …

Sharing my depressing thoughts on Egypt

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

I am slowly developing an apathy towards the current political process. Not sure if future elections are meaningful.

There are no credible politicians left. Maybe few untainted ones exist but they hardly can be popular enough to win seats in any elections, either because they represent fringe ideology or have been smeared by everyone in power.

Those who came with a democratic process betrayed its values and those who claim to stand for such values …

Cargo Cult Democracy

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Richard Feynman was a Nobel prize winning American physicist who wrote a fascinating autobiography called Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! It documents his eccentricities and adventures throughout his life. From how he taught himself how to fix radios as a kid to his work on the Manhattan project (that developed the US atomic bomb) to how he learned to play samba music in Brazil.

In his book, he explains the difference between real science and …