الوضع في ميدان التحرير اليوم

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa


حزين جدا أني لازم أنقل الوضع في التحرير للناس عن طريق المدونة، كان نفسي ناس أكثر تنزل و تشوف لكن الناس معتمده على تويتر والتليفيزيون.

المداخل مقفولة بالسلك الشائك و لكن الأرصفه مفتوحة للمشاه والدراجات العادية والبخارية. حوالين كل مدخل في بتاع 50 واحد أو أكثر داخلين في حوارات، ممكن الحوارات تسخن و يكون في زعيق أو زق. (ما شفتش زق غير على فيديو متصور امس).

الميدان مش مليان و مش فاضي. ممكن نقول أن …

Post-Jan25 in Minya

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Since I am currently unemployed and wasting my time following the thousand or so tweets that appear every hour on my twitter account. I decided to spend time with my father getting paperwork related to several court cases done. These cases happen to be in Minya and they are related to few areas of land he refuses to give up.

The first post-Jan25 change noticeable is that in almost all villages you can see murals …

Arab Revolutions Board Game

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Earlier I said:

No votes to university graduates

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

graph showing a positive correlation 0.78 between percentage of no votes in each governerate to the percentage of university graduates in each governerate

This chart means that the governerate with a higher percentage of university graduates is more likely to vote no in the last referendum.

You can access referendum results here.

UPDATE: I uploaded an excel file with data from referendum and numbers of university graduates from CAPMAS. The data from CAPMAS is from 2006.

This is just a dump of one correlation found. I am trying to look for other interesting bits in this data.

Professor …

Data from referendum will draw a new map of Egypt

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

It doesn't matter the outcome of the referendum. What matters is the detailed data that will come out. Given that fraud seems to be limited, the data may be very valuable.

Egypt at night from space

I think we can safely assume that most people who voted Yes were more convinced with ideas that are quite separate from the ideas of the No camp.

It's now common knowledge that the majority of the people who said Yes were basically people …

Gadafi's mental state

Gadafi in a tuktuk holding an umbrella

Former head of the World Psychiatric Association professor Ahmed Okasha said today on OTV live that he doesn't have an exact diagnosis for Gadafi as he never examined him but says he should be treated involuntarily for being dangerous on others.

Said his last speeches showed thought disturbance, delusions of persecution 'the uprising being a plot by Osama Bin Laden' and other delusions like people of Libya are rats and all of them receive hallucinogens …

قبل توجيه أصابع الاتهام

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

وقعت حوادث عنف مؤسفة في اليومين أو الثلاثة الماضية ضد قسيس طعن حتى الموت في أسيوط وأضرمت النيران في منزل مملوكا لأسرة بهائية في سوهاج. تفاصيل الحدثين لاتزال غير معروفة، و لكن بدأت الناس في القاء الأتهامات.

هذه المرة اللوم يلقى على أمن الدولة أو مبارك أو المتبقى من رجاله. على الرغم من ان هذه الفرضية مشروعة ويجب أخذها في الأعتبار، فلا زال لا توجد أي أدلة أو حتى خبر مستفيض يوضح ما حدث. السبب …