Channel 4 Report on Torture by the Army
For more information, testimonies and videos, go to:
For more information, testimonies and videos, go to:
يعني أيه ثورة 25 يناير: أنا وأخويا وابن عمي وابن خالتي على الغريب؟
هل يعني كل أسره في مصر ضد بعض؟ ولا تحريض ضد الأجانب وأجنداتهم؟ ولا ده بانر ملوش معنى وخلاص؟
Earlier I said:
This chart means that the governerate with a higher percentage of university graduates is more likely to vote no in the last referendum.
You can access referendum results here.
UPDATE: I uploaded an excel file with data from referendum and numbers of university graduates from CAPMAS. The data from CAPMAS is from 2006.
This is just a dump of one correlation found. I am trying to look for other interesting bits in this data.
Professor …
I think we can safely assume that most people who voted Yes were more convinced with ideas that are quite separate from the ideas of the No camp.
It's now common knowledge that the majority of the people who said Yes were basically people …
Former head of the World Psychiatric Association professor Ahmed Okasha said today on OTV live that he doesn't have an exact diagnosis for Gadafi as he never examined him but says he should be treated involuntarily for being dangerous on others.
Said his last speeches showed thought disturbance, delusions of persecution 'the uprising being a plot by Osama Bin Laden' and other delusions like people of Libya are rats and all of them receive hallucinogens …
وقعت حوادث عنف مؤسفة في اليومين أو الثلاثة الماضية ضد قسيس طعن حتى الموت في أسيوط وأضرمت النيران في منزل مملوكا لأسرة بهائية في سوهاج. تفاصيل الحدثين لاتزال غير معروفة، و لكن بدأت الناس في القاء الأتهامات.
هذه المرة اللوم يلقى على أمن الدولة أو مبارك أو المتبقى من رجاله. على الرغم من ان هذه الفرضية مشروعة ويجب أخذها في الأعتبار، فلا زال لا توجد أي أدلة أو حتى خبر مستفيض يوضح ما حدث. السبب …
Two deplorable acts of violence occurred in the past two or three days against a priest who was stabbed to death in Assiut and a house owned by a Bahaai family was set alight in Sohag. The details of both events are still not known, yet people started to point blame.
This time blame is pointed to state security, Mubarak or his remaining actors. Although, this is a legitimate hypothesis and needs to be taken …
This a very quick translation of this video testimony that was sent to me. I think it is very important and moving.
The video is slightly graphic near the end.
My name is Mohammed el-Faramawy
I joined the marches on the Friday of Anger on the 28th of January. I had a first aid bag on my back, I took it with me to Tahrir square to treat the injured, at around 1 the army …
AlJazeera English Inside Story aired a 25 minutes interview with psychiatrist Dr. Ahmed Okasha, Hisham Safie Eldin a former police officer and Wael Omar a film maker about torture and the relationship between people and the police.
The program showed some footage of police officers and policemen protesting in the past few days. But didn't interview anyone from El Nadim centre for rehabilitation of victims of torture, which is the only centre in Egypt that …