Book Review: Inflamed Mind - A Radical New Approach to Depression by Ed Bullmore

Book Cover

I enjoyed parts of Inflamed Mind: A Radical New Approach to Depression by Edward Bullmore. It is very well written and has some good parts on the history of psychiatry.

However, I was disappointed by the way he presented his main thesis that inflammation is the main causative mechanism in major depression. His argument isn't very convincing and he doesn't provide evidence that is solid enough to support this. There is also a major straw …

Two Memoirs I Recommend to Psychiatrists

I enjoyed reading both My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor and Brain on Fire My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan. Both books recount their authors' lived experiences with quite severe and acute neurological conditions. Taylor had a haemorrhagic stroke and Cahalan had anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.

I picked up Taylor's book while supporting a family member in hospital. I must say I really enjoyed reading her account of what happened on the day …

Lessons from Chernobyl

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

Cover of the Book Chernobyl, A History of a Tragedy by Serhii Plokhy. The cover is mainly a photograph of a nuclear power plant dashboard

Yesterday I finished reading Chernobyl, A History of a Tragedy by Serhii Plokhy. I enjoyed reading the first part of the book, which detailed the events leading up to, during and after the explosion. The later parts of the book were informative, detailing the political changes that followed.

Here are my main takeaways from the book:

  • Nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs are the same in terms of how they work. They both use the nuclear …

حكايات التعب والشفاء

صورة لغلاف الكتاب

أستمتعت جدا بكتاب حكايات التعب والشفاء وفي رأيي أنه دليل ممتاز للإضطرابات النفسية و مجهود عظيم من الكاتب، وسعيد أن الكتاب ده طلع من مبادرة مساندة (مبادرة بدأت في 2014 هدفها تدريب كوادر من المجتمع المدني لتقديم الدعم والمساندة النفسية للآخرين).

اللطيف في الكتاب أنه لم يتدخل في السياسة أو الدين أو علم الاجتماع وركز على الطب النفسي فقط، في رأيي ده أكتر كتاب عن الطب النفسي بالعربي المعلومات فيه حديثة ومتاحة بلغة سلسة وبيحترم …