جهاز سي-فاست

رسمة بالأبيض للأسود لجهاز سي فاست من وثيقة براءة الإختراع

رجل الأعمال الأنجليزي ال باع جهاز فشنك للكشف عن القنابل أتحكم عليه بثلاث أحكام منها النصب.

الإحتيال كان على مستوى عالمي، الجهاز تم بيعه لقوات أمن في بلاد كتيرة. وأهم مكان أتباع فيه كان العراق ال زودت كل كمين أمني به، أتقتل 1000 عراقي في عام 2008 و 2009 من الإنفجارات في العراق لوحدها. قوات الأمن كانت تستخدام هذا الجهاز الفشنك للتأكد من عدم وجود متفجرات. لكنه كان يعطي الأمن إحساس كاذب بالأمان.

العراق أنفقت …

Let's Map Qursaya

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

Photo of Qursaya

The government has complete monopoly over data and information. There may be hope that this may change with the draft Freedom of Information law, but this is unlikely. National security concerns will always stand in the way of getting complete information.

You can buy from the Egyptian Survey Authority (ESA) maps of any area in Egypt in great detail, except areas deemed sensitive. For this, people are referred to the military survey authority, which can …

Essam el-Haddad is lying

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Photo of Essam El-Haddad with words LIAR LIAR

Essam el-Haddad, one of the Muslim Brotherhood top members and Mursi's assistant on foreign relations and international cooperation, wrote yesterday on his Facebook page the following:

It is important to note, after the wide circulation of news around attempts to limit free speech through the court system in Egypt, that neither the presidency nor the government pursued any legal action against the comedian, Bassem Yousef. The complaints issued against him, were mainly individual initiatives by …

First Free/Open Source Software protest in Egypt

From Egypt Independent:

A group of technology activists gathered in front of the Cabinet on Sunday morning to protest a governmental deal with software giant Microsoft to buy licensed software for public agency worth almost US$4 million.
On 26 December, the official Facebook page of Prime Minister Hesham Qandil announced that one of the Cabinet's main achievements is that it sealed a deal with Microsoft to buy and maintain licensed software for the government …

Morsi cracks down on psychiatrists

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Last week, Dr. Manal Omar was summoned along with TV host Mahmoud Saad by the prosecution and questioned for seven hours over one of their TV episodes on Nahar TV. She is accused of insulting the president. A lawyer from the presidency filed the case on Morsi's behalf. In this video she made indirect references to Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood and their number two, Khairat el-Shater.

Dr. Omar is a psychiatrist specialised in child and …

مرسي من 6 أشهر يرفض قرار الضبطية القضائية قبل الانتخابات واليوم يصدره كقرار بقانون قبل الاستفتاء

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

وكانت قد حكمت محكمة القضاء الإداري بوقف تنفيذ الضبطية القضائية في يونيو الماضي وسعد شباب الأخوان وهللوا فرحا في التحرير بهذا الخبر السعيد.

المهم أن ده صدر الان من محمد مرسي

49مكرر ب

Egypt police is fighting children

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

This is crazy. They are all kids on the frontline. Aged 9 and up. Average age by the look of it is 15. Kids lie to me about their age, say 12 when they are clearly 10 years old. Most are wearing surgical masks and eyes red from teargas.

By asking a few why they are here, they say their older brothers were injured or killed by police. It's not clear if this is meant …

Morsi, CSF and Torturing Protestors on Air

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Not only protesters are being teargassed and hit at by shotguns in their face on the outskirts of Tahrir square. They are being dragged, beatenand tortured on the streets. This is not new. What's new is that thiswas broadcasted live on TV tonight. This happened before during Mubarakand SCAF. But it's new for Morsi.

Why is this happening again? The answer is very simple. The police hasenjoyed total impunity over its actions for years. This …