How to Remove the DRM from Kindle Books on Debian

Warning message that says: Transfer Tip: After downloading, use your USB cable to connect your computer and Kindle. Your Kindle will appear as a drive on your computer. Copy your downloaded file from your computer to your Kindle's documents folder. Starting February 26, 2025, the "Download & Transfer via USB" option will no longer be available. You can still send Kindle books to your Wi-Fi enabled devices by selecting the "Deliver or Remove from Device" option. Learn more about managing downloads

My Kindle is from 2012, it is a 5th generation Kindle Paperwhite, and it works perfectly. I don't need to buy a new one. Unfortunately, it is no longer supported by Amazon (it won't receive new updates). So if and when its hardware fails, I would like to have the option to buy whichever brand of ereader I like without feeling locked in the Kindle brand by my previous purchases from Amazon.

I first tried …

Mastodon Online is Offline 😢

A Cartoon Mastodon sitting in front of a screen showing the word "Error"

Update: It is online again.

Mastodon Online is down for an hour or two now. The status page has identified the error and the admins are working on getting it fixed. This sucks of course because this instance hosts my mastodon account. So I can't post or read my timeline.

Due to its decentralised nature, Mastodon and the wider fediverse are still functioning normally and all other servers and instances are talking to each other …

#FreeAlaa in 2025

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Cartoon drawing of Alaa giving a presentation to an audience

I can't believe we are still calling for Alaa's freedom in 2025. Particularly on the 14th anniversary of January 25.

He finished his last sentence more than 100 days ago. His mother has been on a hunger strike since.

Alaa was arrested in 2019. Two years later, he received a non-appealable 5 years sentence from a state security court for sharing a Facebook post about prison conditions in Egypt.

He spent the majority of the …

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun

in «Technology, Linux & Free/Open Source Software» by moftasa

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun title graphics

24 years ago, I came home from medical school with a borrowed CD-ROM of the real-time strategy (RTS) game Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun. I got home at 4pm, put the CD in the Creative CD-ROM drive tray and suddenly it was 4am in the morning.

Creative 52x CD-ROM package graphics

I am not a big fan of RTS games but they are incredibly addictive and fun. Just recently that I found out that older Command & Conquer games are being kept …

Hybrid Case Presentation - Grand Rounds

Composite image of three photos. One showing audience at an auditorium, the other of a presenter with MS Teams in the background. The third is of the audience in Cairo in a dimmed conference room

Last Wednesday, we had a case presentation at the hospital that was held live on Microsoft Teams with the Maudsley Hospital / IoPPN Grand Rounds. It was hybrid, meaning some psychiatrists participated online (103) and some did in person at our conference room (25) and at the Wolfson Lecture Theatre in London (80).

We were invited by the Academic Lead for the Maudsley Grand Rounds, who was chairing the event, based on the recommendation from one …

The Three Body Problem

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa
tags: ,

Animated version of the book cover, showing three sons going around in the sky a pyramid in the foreground.

I enjoyed reading this trilogy so much. It was full of massive ideas, mind-bending twists and turns, and the story was full of awe-inspiring and mind-blowing moments.

This sci-fi trilogy has a large number of fans online, but if you read the reviews you will find that they are mixed, and the reason for this is that although it is a hard sci-fi book, the author decided to break some unbreakable laws of physics and …

D Switch

While reading The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin, which I am enjoying very much, I fell into a Wikipedia rabbit hole.

I wanted to read more about our Sun, this led me to reading a bit about nuclear fusion which in turn made me read a bit about deuterium which then sent me indirectly to this paper about the 'D Switch'.

Di Martino, R.M.C., Maxwell, B.D. & Pirali, T. Deuterium in drug …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Access Scientific Literature

in «Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine & Mental Health» by moftasa

This post is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

As clinicians we are required to keep up with new knowledge in our fields. However, this isn't always possible as a lot of research is published in journals that don't offer free full text of their articles.

Not all of us work in places that can afford institutional access to scientific journals and sometimes when we do, this access …

CSS Refresh

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

I had some time to kill one evening so I edited the CSS of this blog. I removed the sidebar and simplified the navigation. I think it is also more mobile friendly. I only tested it on Firefox and Lynx though.

It is a big departure from the Pelican theme I started with. Editing themes on Pelican is much easier and more forgiving than on Drupal and the process of tinkering with HTML templates and …