Madness constitutes only 15% of all psychiatric diagnoses

Severe mental disorders constitute only 15% of all the psychiatric diagnoses in the ICD-10

The hypothetical column on the left is meant to show that as a result of the stigma of mental illness, most people think that mental illnesses are always severe.

Delirium is a totally reversible state, people with dementia need long term care and can never be more harmless. Lots of people recover from psychosis totally and some retain symptoms.

Only 10% of violent crime in a society is from people with Schizophrenia.

بلال فضل و علاج التوحد بالدايت الأونطة

كتب بلال فضل في المصري اليوم يوم 12/10/2009 عن طبيبة سورية تعالج التوحد بعلاج غذائي مُعين و ينتقد وزارة الصحة المصرية في عدم توفير هذا العلاج للمرضى المصريين و عدم توفير تحليل للكشف المبكر للمرض.

الطبيبة أسمها هيفاء الكيالى و مكتوب على موقعها أنها حصلت على ماجستير الكيمياء الحيوية و خبيرة بالعلاج بلأعشاب و عضوة جمعية المخترعين السوريين و " لها عدة لقاءات في الصحف والمجلات ولها العديد من المقابلات التلفزيونية".

التوحد من …

The stupid bouncers won't let Per in

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

UPDATE: Read Sarah's post she has more details.

Woke up this morning to learn from Twitter and text messages that early this morning at 2am, Per Björklund was stopped by the Cairo Airport security and wasn't allowed entrance to the country. He is to be deported back to Prague.

3arabawy sent a twitter message saying that Per was told the reason for stopping him is because they have his name on their computer. Nothing more …

The NDP synagogue

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

In April 2008, in Hadayeq el Qobba I stumbled upon this synagogue which was turned into a public affairs office, NDP office, a nursery and a small mosque.

Taking photos is strictly prohibited. But I managed to snap some shots while claiming that I am studying architecture and interested in the building style.

This is apparently the most looked after synagogue in Egypt. Thanks to Farouk Hosni. Probably the next president of the UNESCO.



Blindfolding is commonly used by security forces that physically torture people. It works by making the victim disoriented and fearful. A person will lose his orientation to place and the sense of direction first. Then, if applied long enough for more than a day, it can make some experience visual hallucinations. It makes a blow, a kick or an electric shock unpredictable and thus far more distressful.

These were some of the effects on the …

Why was the death of Mervat Abdel Fattah not as spectacular?

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

On October 2008, in Samalut, Menya, few hundred kilometres from Cairo, a pregnant 36 years old woman was woken up, terrified, early in the morning along with her husband and their 8 years old son, by 5 police officers looking for her brother-in-law. Mervat was kicked by police officer Ahmed Anwar in her stomach, she fell and in 10 minutes she died. Her 8 years old son, Sayyed, witnessed the assault and the death of …

Services available at St Andrew's Refugee Services

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

I work with lots of refugees. Many of them experienced torture and escaped horrors in their homeland. Helping them overcome their psychological difficulties, make them feel they are safe and telling them that there might be hope in the future is hindered by their financial situation, lack of free medical care and education, xenophobia, sexual harassment and unemployment.

Chose to employ a refugee or donate money:

Services available at St Andrew's Refugee Services

Donations: We …

Microsoft blocks Iran and Iran blocks Facebook

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

Microsoft has blocked access to Windows live messenger (i.e. Hotmail webmail and MSN chat) to people living in Iran, Syria, Sudan, Cuba and North Korea. The reason is that the company suddenly realised that it doesn't do business with countries sanctioned by the U.S. At the same time, Iran blocked Facebook ahead of the presidential elections because a candidate is using it successfully for his campaign.

Microsoft's decision doesn't mean that people in …