In Japan it is called Chikan

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa


In Japan, sexual harassment in public transportation is called Chikan. From what I've found on-line, Chikan is a type of frotteurism. Chikan lacks the aggressive element in comparison to cases that made news here in the past few years. Chikan is more of a paraphilia than an anti-social behaviour.

Younghee Jung wrote about methods of thwarting molesters like pen-sized stun guns or electronic buzzers.


Another solution is designating women-only carriages in metro. We already have …

Facebook scale is scary

There are 100 million people around the world using Facebook. This number is from the official Facebook blog. They don't mention the number of active users. But it is safe to say that they are a lot.


I will describe an evil idea to control the decisions of a great number people that doesn't involve any intrusion on their privacy. They will be oblivious to this interference.

You probably know that Facebook, among other things …

I can't stop thinking about your fateless fate

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Derealization is the feeling that things in one's surroundings are strange, unreal, or somehow altered.

Suddenly, today everything around me froze in time.

A few fantastic left sitting in a small circle, CSF conscripts sitting in circles eating, a friend tired and thinking, children running after each other near a dangerous short metal fence, women trying to silence their kids sitting on worn blankets on the grass, policemen with a one inch thick stripe on …

Best astroturfing fart in the northern hemisphere

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Not all humans are capable of producing flammable flatus. Flatus is flammable because it contains Methane.

A clique of NDP politicians created this on their own:

From the DailyNewsEgypt:

CAIRO: An NGO was recently launched to repair relations between Egypt’s citizens and its police force, it was announced Thursday.

Named “Police and People” and created by former Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher, the organization aims to bridge the ever widening gap between the police and …

دليل المفطصى للتعامل مع الشرطة و يهدأ بالك بعد كدة على طول

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa

بلا أدنى شك، ده دليل غير كاف و غير واف و ممكن يذهب بك لما وراء الشمس و أنا غير مسؤول بأي حال من الأحوال عن ما سيحدئ لأي مواطن(ة) وهو بيتعامل معهم.

و لكن لاحظت أني في العادة محظوظ جدا و لم أقع في مشاكل مع الشرطة بالرغم من تعدد التجارب.

# المباحث تطلب بطاقتي علشان الصورة دي

بعد ما أخذت الصورة بالكاميرا جالي شاب طيزلابس فانلة عمرو دياب بشنب قالي كابتن ممنوع تصور الميكروباص .. ده مباحث!!!

  • ميكروباص مباحث أزاي …

مائة ميزة في محافظة الجيزة

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa


أبو الهول
أبو عمار السوري
أبو نواس ملهى ليلي بفندق مينا هاوس
أرض فضاء
الجيزة مدينة نظيفة
السيرك القومي
العمرانية الغربية
القرية الذكية
القرية الفرعونية
الكوبري الخشب
المتحف الزراعي و تذكرة الدخول 25 قرش وتصريح الكاميرا 10 قروش
المجمع بجوار محطة السكة الحديد
المحافظة تطل على نهر النيل
المركز الثقافي البريطاني
المركز القومي للبحوث
المصل و اللقاح
اهرامات الجيزة
تمثال رمسيس
تمثال طه حسين
تمثال نجيب محفوظ
تمثال نهضة مصر
جامع الحامدية الشاذلية …