هو مش حاطين أم الطوارئ في الدستور ؟

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

عندي سؤال لية دعوة بموضوع ابرهيم عيسى. قرأت خبر عرضه على المحكمة اليوم.

المرة الاولى التي يحاكم فيها صحافي في مصر امام محكمة استثنائية في قضية نشر. وقال مصدر قضائي الخميس ان محاكمة عيسى التي ستبدا الاثنين المقبل ستتم امام محكمة جنح امن الدولة العليا-طوارىء المنشأة بموجب قانون الطوارئ المعمول به منذ عام 1981. واحكام هذه المحكمة الاستثنائية غير قابلة للاستئناف وتنفذ فور التصديق عليها من الحاكم العسكري وهو رئيس الجمهورية.

هو مش حاطين أم …

Every cigarette is doing you damage

A series of anti-smoking ads from New Zealand.

  1. Set a quit date
  2. Ask for support from family and friends
  3. Reward yourself for resisting temptations and avoiding risky situations.

Remember, a Shisha session of about 30-60 minutes is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarette in the amount of Nicotine.

One Shisha session of about the same period of time is equivalent to 100 to 200 cigarette in …

Video of a split-brain patient

This is a very interesting video on Youtube featuring a patient with intractable epilepsy had his corpus callosum cut.

The Corpus Callosum is very high density collection of nerve fibers that transmit information to and fro both right and left hemispheres.

He was cured from the epilepsy but he remained with a split-brain. A right hemisphere disconnected from the left one and both working independent of each other.

Joe, the patient, doesn't feel this or …

OTV: تستهزئ بالمريض النفسي و تشيع معلومات خاطئة

أستضاف برنامج "مساءك سكر زيادة" اليوم شخص ماسخ (معرفتش أسمه) لا يعلم شئ عن الطب النفسي و لكن ظريف لدرجة أنه يعتقد أن السخرية من المرضى النفسيين و أشاعة معلومات خاطئة عن الصحة النفسية هو تسلية. و OTV لم تعلن ان رأي الأخ ده هو نابع من فتحة الشرج بتاعتة.

أولا، الفصام ليس من أعراضة الأيمان بشئ و فعل عكسه كما أتهم أن المصريين جميعا مصابيين به. و أحنا مش ناقصيين معلومات خاطئة تذاع للناس …

POLSAT, dubbing and the Polish lector

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

In the 90s with the appearance of the satellite dish on top of the Egyptian home, the Egyptian youth suddenly became connected to tens of different worlds and spent their very crucial maturation phase in front of tens of channels from different places in the world. Connecting them to cultures, scenes and languages they were totally alien to.

One of those TV channels a Polish channel called POLSAT!

polsat logo

Which for different reasons was very attractive …

700 live snakes on an Egyptair plane

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa


CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Customs officers at Cairo's airport have detained a man bound for Saudi Arabia who was trying to smuggle 700 live snakes on a plane, airport authorities said.

The officers were stunned when a passenger, identified as Yahia Rahim Tulba, told them his carryon bag contained live snakes after he was asked to open it.

Tulba opened his bag to show the snakes to the police and asked the officers, who held a …

How to be an elitist doctor

Occasionally doctors do some of the following mistakes and usually they do it in social situations and in non-professional settings. With the aim of starting or maintaining conversation. In other words, they try to sound interesting and make their work sound fun.

But only if their conversation were taped and they hear themselves. They would realize (some of them) that they were highly condescending.

Some of the following are unethical. Others are not, you are …