International Society for Bipolar Disorder: New Guidelines

photo of DSM-IV-TR

Published in the latest(April 2008) issue of Psychiatric Times an article about proposed new diagnostic guidelines for bipolar disorder by the International Society of Bipolar Disorder.

These new proposed guidelines might give insight to what may be set in the DSM-V. The two biggest changes will be discarding the Schizoaffective disorder and addition of a pediatric bipolar disorder.

Suggested removal of the Schizoaffective disorder diagnosis

"Some researchers claim that schizoaffective disorder is consistent with …

4 years of Gmail

Gmail logo

4 years passed today since I signed up for a gmail account. I received an invitation via Blogger. This was about 3 weeks after Google announced the 1GB inbox.

This secured my best email address:

At that time, this was a mindbogglingly huge webmail inbox. Yahoo! & Hotmail offered few MegaBytes for each user, as far as I can remember nothing more than 5MB.

Gmail was also under attack from people …

عالم الصحافة الأسود في مصر‏:‏ كذب وتلفيق وتحريض علي التخلف

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa

ahram logo أكاذيب مفضوحة‏,‏ وألفاظ مطاطة‏,‏ وسب وقذف بلا حسيب ولا رقيب‏,‏ وأخبار كاذبة‏,‏ ودعوات للتشهير‏,‏ ومحاولات للوقيعة بين أبناء الشعب الواحد‏.‏ هذه هي الصورة السوداء للصحافة الرسمية في مصر حاليا للأسف الشديد‏,‏ والتي رسم سوادها قلة من السياسيين‏,‏ وإن كان هذا السواد يغطي حاليا علي أغلبية استخدامات هذه الوسيلة الإعلامية التي يفترض أنها أكثر عراقه ونظافة من هذا المستوي إلي الدرجة التي بات الأمر معها يستدعي وقفة من القراء ضد هذه الإساءات والانتهاكات الصارخة قبل المطالبة …

Why handcuffing patients in hospitals is not a good idea?

  • An unconscious patient will not escape!
  • Patients with extensive injuries are not likely to be able to escape without making a scene
  • Preventing a limb from movement is very annoying and will not help the patient rest or sleep
  • Preventing a limb from movement for extended periods of time is very dangerous as he/she might develop deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the fixed limb
  • Prevents the patient from going to the toilet if he …

معبد الحزب الوطني

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

ماهو رد الفعل الخاص بك عندما تجد معبد يهودي بالقاهرة لم تكن تعرف بوجودة؟

ماذا يخطر على بالك عندما تجد المعبد؟

هل تريد أن تنظر الى واجهتة و تقارنها بالمعابد الأخرى و تتأمل متى بُني وتتمنى أن يسمح لك بالدخول لإطفاء فضولك؟

هل تجد أن عدم الأهتمام بالمعابد اليهودية في مصر و غلقها هو أمر غاية في عدم الأكتراث بالتاريخ و الآثار؟

ماذا لو لم نغلق تلك المعابد و تحولت الى ما هو أفيد …

Quantitative assesment of the strike?

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

I wonder if there are any public data that can be used to assess the effects of the strike. And I wonder if this data could be analyzed statistically to see if there were any significant difference as a result of the strike.

I can only think of the stock exchange data. Either trading volume or the CASE index could be affected. But there could be lots of confounding variables and it is hard to …


in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa


Congratulations, you killed all Mubarak clones in his palace. Yet, his geneticists created mutated underground worms and moles that carry his genes. They look very similar to the president. It is your final step to free the country from the grip of this dictator!

Remember don't hit the harmless creatures. Have fun :)

Do not forget to write down you score in the comments field below.

Related games:

Mubarak is a dead man!

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa


Kill the bastard, shoot him down. Non violence didn't work, neither did kicking him so why not use your AK-47 to hunt him down!

You cornered the Egyptian president somewhere after days of fighting with your guerrilla troops. You burned down the main NDP building, your troops took control of the radio and TV building and you infiltrated the army.

Good job but now is the final moment. Somewhere in the basement of the presidential …