English Wikipedia reaches 1 million articles

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which anyone can edit, reaches a new milestone. In a record 5 years, thousands of volunteers created the world's largest encyclopedia. It is probably one of the largest internet collaboration projects ever attempted.

From the press release:

The Wikimedia Foundation announced today the creation of the 1,000,000th article in the English language edition of Wikipedia. The article is about the Jordanhill railway station in Scotland, and it was started …

اتحاد المهن الطبية : يقاطع أدوية وأغذية الدانمرك والنرويج

طالب اتحاد المهن الطبية أعضاءه من الأطباء البشريين والأسنان والصيادلة والبيطريين بضرورة الالتزام بمقاطعة المنتجات الدانمركية والنرويجية من الأدوية والأغذية والألبان وغيرها.

ويأتي قرار الاتحاد احتجاجًا على تطاول الصحف فى هاتين الدولتين على مقام النبى الكريم -- صلى الله عليه وسلم -- وتضامنًا مع كافة الهيئات فى جميع الدول الإسلامية .

وذكر د. محمود عبد المقصود امين عام الاتحاد ان الأنسولين يأتي على رأس الأدوية المطلوب مقاطعتها خاصة مع توافر الأنسولين المصري من إنتاج هيئة المصل …

The Neurology of Love

Italian researchers published a research last November that suggests the condition of "falling in love" appears to be associated with elevated levels of a nerve growth factor in the bloodstream.

Enzo Emanuele of the University of Pavia and colleagues suspected that a diversity of biological mechanisms might be involved in precipitating the mental state called "falling in love," a state characterized by obsessive thinking about one's beloved, craving for union with him or her, euphoria …

Danish pharmaceuticals

This post is not pro or against the boycott of Danish products. I am just asking you a question. An ethical one.

There are two very important international Danish pharmaceuticals. Lundbeck and Novo Nordisk. Lundbeck is one of the leading companies in producing drugs for psychiatric and neurological disorders. Novo Nordisk is the one of leading companies in making products for diabetic patients, from insulin to hi-tech means of injecting it.

Few days ago the …

أنتهيت من التربية العسكرية

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

أوف على دي دورة ملهاش أي لازمة، 11 يوم من قلة قيمة و بهدلة ملهاش داعي. قال أية علشان تزود الوعي و الأنتماء لدى الطلبة. الأستفادة الوحيدة انى كنت بقعد فى الخلف و بخلص 90 صفحة فى اليوم من أى قصة أمسكها.

حبة صور علشانكم و علشان الذكرى الخالدة. الصور دي كنت بخاطر فيها بالكاميرا.

التربية العسكرية



military education

How to smuggle your favourite drink into the stadium

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa

(or anywhere)

A couple of my friends were fantasizing about taking their favourite drinks with them to the stadium. Since their favourite drink is beer which is never sold in the stadium, they felt something was missing. They were also complaining about how expensive water and carbonated beverages were sold inside. They mentioned to me how thoroughly everyone is searched at the gates. With a very strict rule; no foods or drinks allowed. All bags …

Egypt is free from Polio

... World Health Organization officials say, the birthplace of polio appears for the first time to have ceased to be a source of transmission of the virus, with no new cases recorded in Egypt over the past 12 months ...

read it in full

This is great news and I hope that we can keep it up. I hope that the keen detection of new cases and strict and wide spread immunization continues with the same level …