Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 Spotify Playlist Lookup


A few years ago I was listening to a song on Spotify. I really enjoyed it and wanted to find more with a similar vibe, but it was hard to pin down the genre and the native Spotify reccomendations were useless. So I looked for a way to find other users playlists which contained this song and so would hopefully contain others like it.

🔗 spotify-dl


I wanted an easy way to grab the songs present in my library so I can download it & use it offline. I no longer use this, but continue to maintain this. spotify-dl doesn't download anything from Spotify. It picks up the metadata from Spotify API and then uses yt-dlp to download the song.

🔗 Open Syllabus


Open Syllabus is a non-profit research organization that collects and analyzes millions of syllabi to support novel teaching and learning applications.


Open Syllabus currently has a corpus of nine million English-language syllabi from 140 countries. It uses machine learning and other techniques to extract citations, dates, fields, and other metadata from these documents. The resulting data is made freely available via the Syllabus Explorer and for academic research.

🔗 كتب لعلاء


الهدف من الصفحة دي: ١- هندون الكتب اللي احنا هتجيبها لعلاء عشان نتجنب الكتب المكررة - ياريت نكتب بس الكتب اللي أكيد هتقدروا تجيبوها ٢- اللي عاوز يقترح كتاب ومش عارف يجيبه لعدم توفره في المكان اللي هو فيه، يكتب جمبه وهننسق ان حد من برة يجيبه

🔗 Open Source Game Clones


This site tries to gather open-source or source-available remakes of great old games in one place. If you think that something is missing from the list - please go to our GitHub repository and create an issue or even a pull request!

Since all these projects are open-source you can help them and make this world a better place. Or at least you can play something to appreciate the effort people put in them.



OCRmyPDF adds an optical character recognition (OCR) text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched.

PDF is the best format for storing and exchanging scanned documents. Unfortunately, PDFs can be difficult to modify. OCRmyPDF makes it easy to apply image processing and OCR to existing PDFs.

🔗 Mental health policy and development in Egypt - integrating mental health into health sector reforms 2001-9


!! Background

Following a situation appraisal in 2001, a six year mental health reform programme (Egymen) 2002-7 was initiated by an Egyptian-Finnish bilateral aid project at the request of a former Egyptian minister of health, and the work was incorporated directly into the Ministry of Health and Population from 2007 onwards. This paper describes the aims, methodology and implementation of the mental health reforms and mental health policy in Egypt 2002-2009.

!! Methods

A multi-faceted and comprehensive programme which combined situation appraisal to inform planning; establishment of a health sector system for coordination, supervision and training of each level (national, governorate, district and primary care); development workshops; production of toolkits, development of guidelines and standards; encouragement of intersectoral liaison at each level; integration of mental health into health management systems …

🔗 Access denied: Institutional barriers to justice for victims of torture in Egyp


This research explores the question - how do practices in key justice institutions affect the incidence and success of prosecutions of torture perpetrators in Egypt? The research question is grounded in the theory that torture prosecutions are crucial to ending the practice of torture, and based on the judgment that the number of prosecutions of torture perpetrators in Egypt is very small compared to the widespread practice of torture. This research observes practices in three main justice institutions: the Department of Public Prosecutions, the Department of Forensic Medicine and the criminal courts. Based on international and local literature, but also on interviews conducted with lawyers, forensic doctors and human rights activists, the research observes the practices most common to the three institutions, while analyzing their impact on the incidence …

🔗 On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, First Step to Combating Torture is Accountability


Torture has claimed hundreds of lives while there remains virtual impunity for perpetrators, who either evade accountability entirely or are penalized in a manner disproportionate to the severity of the crime. Meanwhile, state security has expanded its use of enforced disappearance and torture at National Security headquarters, including by electrocution and sexual abuse, with the aim of coercing confessions or causing humiliation.

🔗 International Migration of Doctors, and Its Impact on Availability of Psychiatrists in Low and Middle Income Countries


Migration of health professionals from low and middle income countries to rich countries is a large scale and long-standing phenomenon, which is detrimental to the health systems in the donor countries. We sought to explore the extent of psychiatric migration.


In our study, we use the respective professional databases in each country to establish the numbers of psychiatrists currently registered in the UK, US, New Zealand, and Australia who originate from other countries. We also estimate the impact of this migration on the psychiatrist population ratios in the donor countries.


We document large numbers of psychiatrists currently registered in the UK, US, New Zealand and Australia originating from India (4687 psychiatrists), Pakistan (1158), Bangladesh (149) , Nigeria (384) , Egypt (484), Sri Lanka (142), Philippines (1593). For …

🔗 Torture in Egypt


Author: Basma M Abdel Aziz

This article is concerned with the increasing prevalence of torture in Egypt. Torture is a widespread problem in Egypt, being practiced in the majority of police stations and state security places. It has become a routine practice and is seen daily on a systematic basis. The number of people who are subjected every month to torture is unimaginable. In addition, there are deaths that occur as a result of the torture. However, the Egyptian government does not give clear answers about the issue. Everyone could be exposed to torture, and for different, illogical reasons. The case of Bany Mazar is a horribly clarifying one. The unclear political situation and the absence of democracy play the main role in the highly increasing rate of …

🔗 Mental Health in Egypt: Unmet Need, Priorities and Possible Solutions


Author: Michael Elnemais Fawzy

Mental health services in Egypt are mainly provided by hospitals with insufficient attention given to integrating mental health into primary care. The majority of the available resources are allocated to a few large centralized psychiatric hospitals. The Institute of Medicine (2001) defines quality clinical care as care that is equitable, timely, safe, efficient, effective and patient-centered. This article describes a three-pronged strategic approach for enhancing mental health services through policies designed to improve quality and equity.

🔗 WHO - Health Profile 2015 - Egypt

This comprehensive health profile is intended to serve as a tool to monitor progress in the health of the population. WHO’s collaboration with its Member States will strengthen the national health information systems, and enable the generation of timely and reliable evidence to assess the health situation and trends, and the health system response. Most important, it will provide the information needed by health policy and decision-makers.

🔗 Quality of life and human rights conditions in a public psychiatric hospital in Cairo


!!! Purpose

There is no documented evidence on service users’ perceptions of quality of care and observance of human rights in mental health residential facilities in Egypt after the new mental health law passed in 2009. The purpose of this paper is to investigate El-Abbassia Mental Health Hospital in Cairo. Special attention is paid as to the variety of human rights violations which are experienced by the users and the context in which these violations occur.

!!! Design/methodology/approach

A cross-sectional study was performed relying on 36 depth interviews with patients, 58 staff members and 15 family members, reviews of documents and observations by an independent assessment team consisting of the author, another psychiatrist, a nurse and a family member using the World Health Organization Quality Rights Tool …