🔗 ninja - build system
Ninja is an easy build system. Think of it as a simpler alternative to make.
Ninja is an easy build system. Think of it as a simpler alternative to make.
PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs. It feels like a regular console, but runs on Windows / Mac / Linux. When you turn it on, the machine greets you with a commandline, a suite of cartridge creation tools, and an online cartridge browser called SPLORE.
Map vulnerable areas in the developing world for international and local NGOs to better respond to crises. Uses OpenStreetMap. MSF is a partner.
Prejudice against people with different accents develops in infants before they start to speak. Very interesting post.
President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt has declared the period from 2007 to 2016 as Egypt's "decade of science." a7a
a famous Soviet neuro-psychologist and developmental psychologist. the guy behind the Luria-Nebraska
the current status of treatment efforts for schizophrenia in the developing world and the measures that can be taken to increase the proportion of patients receiving treatment.
a zero rupee banknote to be given instead of real money to bribe officials. will this work ?
wow probably the best article explaining the sitiuation in the arab world
a free software and development conference in cairo