Posts with the tag « egypt » :

🔗 إزاي تصوم والناس كلها فاطرة « بهائي مصري Egyptian Bahá’í

اليوم هو السابع عشر من شهر العلا سنة 163 طبقا للتقويم البهائي. وشهر العلا هو شهر الصيام في التشريع البهائي. لا نأكل أو نشرب من شروق الشمس الى غروبها. “زينا يعني” كما يرد أصدقائي. ولأن الشهر 19 يوم فنحن الآن في نهاية الصيام تقريبا. ومع أن الحياة تتغير تماما خلال شهر رمضان الا أن الموضوع مختلف في شهر العلا. فنحن الوحيدون الصائمون.



“If they intend to be tough on Iran, they should also be tough on Egypt. None of them made a general statement condemning the human rights situation overall in Egypt, as they did with Iran during its UPR review. There was also no mention by states of the detention of Muslim Brotherhood members — contrast this with the condemnation of peaceful dissent in Iran,” Hadj Sahroui commented.

🔗 Characteristics of mentally ill offenders from 100 psychiatric court reports in Egypt

Men constituted 93% of cases. In all, 73% of offenders were younger than 40 years old. Schizophrenia cases made up 13% of the total, substance related cases constituted 56% and amphetamine cases alone made up 21%; 10% of cases were antisocial personality disorders, and 51% of cases were classified as having a low education level. Unemployment was found in 34% of cases.

🔗 New Statesman - Why does the western media ignore Egyptian dissent?


The Egyptian government is listed as a client by two top K-Street lobbying firms, the Podesta and Livingston Groups, and although the exact cost of their services is confidential the fact that Podesta charged up to $13m over ten years to help the Turkish government persuade movers and shakers on Capitol Hill that there was no such thing as an Armenian genocide suggests that the Egyptian regime is shelling out an awful lot on polishing its image

🔗 المطالِب المكبوتة لأغلبيّة مسلمي مصر إثر أحداث نجع حمّادي


اهتم الكثيرون بعد أحداث نجع حمّادي (الجنائيّة غير الطائفيّة التي وقعت بالمصادفة البحتة في اليوم الذي يحتفل فيه المسيحيّون الشرقيّون بعيد الميلاد) بما يُسمّى بـ"مطالب مسيحيي مصر"، وتجاهلوا-كالعادة-مطالب الأغلبيّة الكاسحة من أغلبيّة الشعب المصريّ، المسلمين.