Posts with the tag « egypt » :

🔗 الحبس 3 سنوات وكفالة 100 ألف جنيه لموظف بتهمه إهانة رئيس الجمهورية


أصدرت المحكمة الابتدائية بـ"العدوه" صباح أمس الخميس برئاسة المستشار" أحمد يسري" ، وبحضور "أحمد الجمل" وكيل النيابة ، وأمانة سر "رمضان علي" حكما حضوريا بمعاقبه "منير سعيد حنا مرزوق" ، الموظف بالا داره التعليمية بمغاغة بالحبس (3 سنوات) وكفاله (100 ألف جنيه) ، وذلك لإهانته رئيس الجمهورية بأن قام بكتابة بيانات شعريه مخالفه للحقيقة وتوزيعها على العاملين بمحل عمله بالإدارة التعليمية.

🔗 The Arabist Review » Blog Archive » The Bad Minister


Farouq Hosni shouldn’t be the head of UNESCO. Not just because of his (probably entirely politically opportunistic) Israel-bashing. But mostly because he is the longest-serving minister (22 years) in an autocratic state that does not respect freedom of expression; because he presides over a corrupt and mediocre ministry and has acted in the interest of the regime rather than the interests of culture time and again; because he is generally loathed by Egyptian artists and writers of any standing. He shouldn’t be head of UNESCO not because of his disrespect for Israeli culture–but because of his much deeper, more damaging disrespect of Egyptian culture.

🔗 Robert Fisk: Police state is the wrong venue for Obama's speech - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent


Human rights workers have been physically assaulted as well as arrested. When Dr Magda Adly, of the Al-Nadeem Centre for the rehabilitation of torture victims, left a police station in Kafr el-Dawa after interviewing four detainees who said they had been tortured, she was knocked unconscious and her arm was broken.

🔗 Defining the Obscene - Daily News Egypt


I’m not defending obscenity; I just don’t know what it is. Obscenity is a very subjective term; what’s obscene for you might not be obscene for me and vice versa. Confining one or a small group of people to decide it is wishful thinking. Values and morals are also loose terms that cannot be shoved down people’s throats.

🔗 Egyptian Journalist experiences police state first hand at May 4 anti-Mubarak demo | Menassat

The rest of the time we listened to a bored police station employee (his exact job was unclear) hold forth on the press (“I read all the papers but trust [independent daily] El-Masry El-Youm most”) and press criticism of police violations (“Nobody is above criticism. Even doctors make mistakes and should be held to account”).

🔗 Inanities: Obscenity


Every new crisis, every new tragedy in Egypt is a reprieve, a fresh start, another chance to put things right. It's never taken. Things are always and inevitably ballsed up, and back we are dragged to zero.