Posts with the tag « egypt » :

🔗 Stories from the other side | DNE


The most poignant moment in the film — and its masterstroke — are scenes of a wedding party complete with guests, cake, music and bride. The only thing missing is the groom himself: he is studying in Spain and has not been permitted to reenter Gaza. The families decide to go ahead with the wedding anyway, an act of defiance and desperation. There is perhaps no more powerful symbol of Gaza's plight than this, the abandoned bride of Palestine sitting alone and surrounded by well-wishers unable to do a thing to help her.

🔗 Sa-trap

There has also been a backlash to the backlash against Egypt prompted by protests outside Egyptian embassies demonstrating against Egypt's policy in general, but its failure to open its border in particular. Funnily enough, many of the people I know who have taken umbrage at the attacks from abroad and are now banging the nationalist tub are the very same individuals who are most critical of the way that domestic issues are handled by the current regime.

🔗 غزة.. عن الصمود، والشارع، والاعلام


اخيرا.. لا اعتقد ان الهجمة الاسرائيلية لها علاقة بالصواريخ التي يتم اطلاقها من القطاع وهل تم تطويرها مؤخرا ام لا، بل ان اسرائيل تحتاج الى “نصر ما” بعد هزيمتها في لبنان. وهي لا تهدف الي وقف الصواريخ بقدر ما تهدف الي القضاء على “فكرة المقاومة”.. واذا اردنا تضامنا عالميا من اجل قضية عادلة يجب ان نتوقف عن شعارات الخلافة الاسلامية مثل “خيبر خيبر يا يهود جيش محمد سوف يعود”.. يجب ان نميز بين اليهودية والصهيونية.. يجب ان نتبنى القضية الفلسطينية كقضية حقوقية وانسانية أولا قبل ان تكون دينية.. فحينها فقط سيقف معك من هم ليسوا على دينك.. والامر جدير بالتفكير.

🔗 Tadamon


Tadamon is a new independent, non-political network of civil society organisations working to promote the welfare of refugees and their mutual co-existence with Egyptians through networking and coordination of cooperative efforts. Tadamon was first launch