🔗 Condoms and HIV prevention: Position statement by UNAIDS, UNFPA and WHO
The male latex condom is the single, most efficient, available technology to reduce the sexual transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
The male latex condom is the single, most efficient, available technology to reduce the sexual transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
ويميزون أنفسهم عن الاثني عشرية بأن ليس للإمام مقام يقارب النبي من حيث العصمة والوحي، وأنهم يرفضون مبدأ "توريث الإمامة" وأن الإمام عندهم هو من آل البيت ولكنه يستحق هذا المنصب "بالعلم والفضل والجهاد وليس بالوراثة".
Ginges found that a person's stance on martyrdom had little to do with their religious devotion or to any particular religious belief. Instead, it was the collective side of religion that affected their stance - those who frequently took part in religious rituals and services, were most likely to support martyrdom.
This article examines the biblical narrative relating to the Hebrew Patriarch Jacob (Israel) in the book of Genesis for evidence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), as defined by the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). A close literal reading of the text supports Jacob's provisional diagnosis with chronic PTSD following the disappearance and apparent death of his favorite son, Joseph. T
A very weird colouring book.
This guy translated Quran fully into Japanese for the first time in a mental hospital. He probably faked his mental illness to escape death sentence in the Japanese war trials.
If we add other Christians and other faiths to the 12 million. Muslims in Egypt might be 80% of population or a bit less
تاريخ الإلحاد في الإسلام - عبد الرحمن بدوي
...hmm...intends to identify the mental health care needs of Muslims.
Excellent report about freedom of belief, Bahaais & ID card
El Naggar & Qaradawi
direct link to wmv file
Does this mean that the field for religion in the ID carid is now optional ?
ScienceDaily: The mismatch in religious beliefs between psychiatrists and patients may make it difficult for patients suffering from emotional or personal problems to find physicians who share their fundamental belief systems.
Mouled el sayed el badawy photos by ihab on flickr
Egypt is joining the ranks of nations where scientists conduct stem-cell research.