Posts with the tag « suicide » :

🔗 الابتزاز الإلكتروني يدفع فتاة إلى الانتحار في مصر

⚠️ تحذير محتوى خطير - تفاصيل طريقة انتحار

انتشرت خلال الأعوام الأخيرة ظاهرة الانتحار عن طريق "حبة الغلة"، خصوصاً في القرى والأرياف، وهي مبيد حشري يستخدم لحفظ القمح من الفساد والتسوس، ويتم تداولها على نطاق واسع وفي المحال التجارية وليس الجمعيات الزراعية والعيادات البيطرية فقط.

ونظراً إلى سوء استخدامها وتداولها بين الأطفال بسهولة أصبحت أسرع وسيلة للموت المحقق والانتحار، خصوصاً أنه لا يوجد مضاد حيوي يوقف مفعولها، فهي بمجرد نزولها في الجسم أو المعدة تتنج سموماً تسمى "غاز الفوسفين" شديد السُمية وهو غاز لا يوجد علاج أو ترياق مضاد له، فـ500 ملليغرام من هذا المركب كفيلة بقتل إنسان، ولك أن تعلم أن القرص المتداول 1 غرام أي ضعف الجرعة القاتلة.

يتم استيراد "حبة الغلة" القاتلة من الهند والصين، واسمها العلمي "فوسفيد الألمنيوم"، وتباع في محال المبيدات الزراعية والصيدليات البيطرية …

🔗 The Grizzlies 2020 / An uplifting sports drama set in a remote Indigenous community


<>This uplifting Canadian sports drama is based on a true story set in the remote Nunavut town of Kugluktuk. The small community has the highest teen suicide rate in North America, as it suffers from intergenerational trauma, and the resulting alcohol and drug abuse. A new young history teacher who is sent by the government is shocked by the state of the school and the lives of the teenagers. He realizes that he can’t engage the kids with history, and turns to his passion for Lacrosse to try to ignite change. <<<<

🔗 Effects of patient suicide on psychiatrists: survey of experiences and support required


!!!Aims and method

Death of patients by suicide can have powerful effects on psychiatrists. We report the findings of a survey completed by 174 psychiatrists on the effects of patient suicide on their emotional well-being and clinical practice, and the support and resources they felt would be helpful.

!!!Results and clinical implications

The death of a patient by suicide usually had a major effect on respondents. Clinical practice was often negatively affected, and over a quarter of respondents considered a change of career path as a result. There were some gender differences in responses, with women reporting more sense of responsibility for the deaths and a greater effect on their clinical confidence. Desired support included a senior suicide lead clinician, support during formal post-suicide processes, opportunity for reflection …

🔗 منظمة الصحة العالمية: حالة انتحار كل 40 ثانية حول العالم ومصر الأولى عربيا - FRANCE 24


تفوقت مصر على الدول العربية التي تشهد نزاعات مسلحة وحروبا أهلية حيث شهدت 3799 حالة انتحار في عام 2016، وتجاوز عدد الرجال المنتحرين أعداد النساء المنتحرات (3095 مقابل 704)

🔗 Association between particulate matter air pollution and risk of depression and suicide: systematic review and meta-analysis

"The meta-analysis suggested that an increase in ambient PM2.5 concentration was strongly associated with increased depression risk in the general population, and the association appeared stronger at long-term lag and cumulative lag patterns, suggesting a potential cumulative exposure effect over time."

🔗 The epidemiology and prevention of suicide by hanging: a systematic review — Int J Epidemiol


Results Only a small proportion (around 10%) of hanging suicides occur in the controlled environments of hospitals, prisons, and police custody; the remainder occur in the community. The most commonly used ligatures (rope, belts, flex) and ligature points (beams, banisters, hooks, door knobs, and trees) are widely available; thus prevention strategies focused around restriction of access to means of hanging are of limited value. Around 50% of hanging suicides are not fully suspended—ligature points below head level are commonly used. Case fatality following attempted suicide by hanging is around 70%; the majority (80–90%) of those who reach hospital alive survive.

🔗 سليمان خاطر - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

قال التقرير النفسي الذي صدر بعد فحص سليمان بعد الحادث أن سليمان "مختل نوعًا ما " والسبب أن "الظلام كان يحول مخاوفه إلي أشكال أسطورية خرافية مرعبة تجعله يقفز من الفراش في فزع، وكان الظلام يجعله يتصور أن الأشباح تعيش في قاع الترعة وأنها تخبط الماء بقوة في الليل وهي في طريقها إليه". بناء على رأي أطباء وضباط وقضاة الحكومة، عوقب سليمان لأنهم أثبتوا أن الأشباح التي تخيفه في الظلام اسمها صهيونية.

🔗 حوادث - ‏104‏ آلاف مصري حاولوا الانتحارالعام الماضي

Official figures (from CAPMAS according to Ahram) of suicide and deliberate self-harm in Egypt. According to this DSH is very high (104,000) but completed suicide is not (around 5000 per year which is about 6-7 per 100,000). They are saying rates are increasing. Still propagating the Eisenhower myth that Scand. countries have highest suicide rates. Young women attempt suicide more than men.

🔗 Suicide rates in people of South Asian origin in England and Wales: 1993-2003 -- McKenzie et al. 193 (5): 406 -- The British Journal of Psychiatry

The South Asian Name and Group Recognition Algorithm (SANGRA) identifies South Asian individuals in data-sets by matching their names to the names in its directory. SANGRA has been validated using health-related electronic data containing names and self-assigned ethnicity, and has been used in a number of other epidemiological studies. Its reported sensitivity is 89–96% and specificity 94–98% for self-assigned ethnicity census categories Asian Bangladeshi',Asian Indian' or `Asian Pakistani'.

🔗 Not Exactly Rocket Science : Attendance at religious services, but not religious devotion, predicts support for suicide attacks


Ginges found that a person's stance on martyrdom had little to do with their religious devotion or to any particular religious belief. Instead, it was the collective side of religion that affected their stance - those who frequently took part in religious rituals and services, were most likely to support martyrdom.

🔗 Mental health in Egypt (2005)

The mental health services in Egypt today are described, and transcultural studies carried out in Egypt of the prevalence and phenomenology of anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, suicide, conversion and obsessive compulsive disorders are reviewed. The psychiatric services for children are in their infancy. Since 1983 the common and semi-accepted use of hashish has been joined by abuse by heroin and other substances.