State security is now following YOU!

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa

The way Twitter notifies you by email about new followers brought me an idea. What if instead of user X is following you, something more serious was following you. Something evil that usually follows people.

State security is now following you on Twitter

If you think it was a sick joke or that it ended prematurely, I don't care much. The coolest thing is that I created some inane controversy of tweets, blog posts and copy-cats to feed my ego for a …

Mobile Shop: Job opportunities are for men only

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

mobile shop logo

I receive wrong emails often. Sometimes they are funny but usually plain boring. I also receive around 5000 spam messages per week.

Today I received the following email from Mobile Shop HR department. They have two job opportunities. The first is something called "Sales Maker" and it seems to be gender specific. The other is called "Net woek Admin" and it requires, among a list of technical stuff, good command of English language.

Language issues …

Obama & Israel

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

Amidst all the fanfare the following is on the brand new White House website about the Obama-Biden plan for the rest of the world:

* Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Obama and Biden will make progress on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a key diplomatic priority from day one. They will make a sustained push -- working with Israelis and Palestinians -- to achieve the goal of two states, a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state, living side by side in …

White phosphorus

Evidence of the use of white phosphorus by Israel in its war on Gaza is everywhere. Videos, photographs and accounts by bloggers and reporters are more than sufficient.

Medical evidence on the effects and management of white phosphorus is scarce. Pubmed returns 14 papers with search criteria "`white phosphorus' burn" most of them describing the experiences of burn units along its years of operation with people who contacted the material accidentally.

White phosphorus is an …

More numbers to donate mobile phone credit to

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

You can help the injured from Gaza—being treated in Egyptian hospitals—by transferring mobile credit to their phones. A one minute phone call to Gaza costs around 5 EGPs.

All the patients are accompanied by only one family member or a relative. They were quickly transfered from the overwhelmed hospitals in Gaza to Egyptian hospitals. They didn't have much time to take clothes or enough money with them.

By transferring credit from your mobile …

Transfer mobile phone credit to injured Gazans in hospitals in Egypt

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

There are more than 100 injured Palestinians in Egyptian hospitals. Most of them suffered difficult, life-threatening, disabling or disfiguring injuries and they speak of horror stories.

I personally met some of them in three different hospitals. Many of the casualties are civilians including children.

The attacks on Gaza didn't discriminate between civilians or non-civilians.

You can help the injured from Gaza by transfering mobile credit to their phones. A one minute phone call to Gaza …