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الإعدام خطأ، إعدام الأم خطأ مزدوج
طالبت زينب رضوان عضو المجلس القومى للمرأة، وعضو مجلس الشعب، بإصدار تشريع يوقف أحكام الإعدام الصادرة بحق المرأة التى وضعت ولم يمر على وضعها عامان هجريان، مطالبة فى ذلك بتعديل المادة 476 من قانون الإجراءات الجنائية التى تخص الفترة ما بين الوضع وتنفيذ حكم الإعدام بشهرين فقط.
...وقالت رضوان إنه من الناحية العلمية، فإن العلم أكد أن عدم حصول الطفل على التغذية الكاملة فى العام الأول من عمره يؤدى إلى تلف بخلايا …
A black man is always a suspect
``I know many Muslims," he said. ``I used to live in district six. When we were boys I went to play with the neighbourhood kids. Many of them were Muslims. One day when I was five, I found them going to a house standing in a line. I thought we will get sweets, you know. But each one was ordered to take down his pants. I was a kid and I thought I will get …
الزينوفوبيا في جنوب إفريقيا
من 6 أشهر تقريبا، تعرض الاجئين داخل جنوب إفريقيا لهجمات واسعة و في أماكن متفرقة. تلك الهجمات ليست الأولى التي تستهدف الاجئين. ولكن هذه المرة الحجم كان أكبر بكثير وراح ضحيتها العديد من الأرواح.
Fast food prices in the past few years
This is a table of a selection of fast food prices from 2004 till 2008. This year's data is from Otlob. I found prices from previous years using archives of Otlob on the Internet Archive Wayback machine. Prices are in EGP.
I don't have time or energy to collect more data. But at least you know how to find out the prices of food items in the past few years. Take a look at this …
In Japan it is called Chikan
In Japan, sexual harassment in public transportation is called Chikan. From what I've found on-line, Chikan is a type of frotteurism. Chikan lacks the aggressive element in comparison to cases that made news here in the past few years. Chikan is more of a paraphilia than an anti-social behaviour.
Younghee Jung wrote about methods of thwarting molesters like pen-sized stun guns or electronic buzzers.
Another solution is designating women-only carriages in metro. We already have …
Facebook scale is scary
There are 100 million people around the world using Facebook. This number is from the official Facebook blog. They don't mention the number of active users. But it is safe to say that they are a lot.
I will describe an evil idea to control the decisions of a great number people that doesn't involve any intrusion on their privacy. They will be oblivious to this interference.
You probably know that Facebook, among other things …
Jolie's Wanted
I can't stop thinking about your fateless fate
Derealization is the feeling that things in one's surroundings are strange, unreal, or somehow altered.
Suddenly, today everything around me froze in time.
A few fantastic left sitting in a small circle, CSF conscripts sitting in circles eating, a friend tired and thinking, children running after each other near a dangerous short metal fence, women trying to silence their kids sitting on worn blankets on the grass, policemen with a one inch thick stripe on …