A blog for the theater tragedy

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

This is an excellent example of an on-line response to a tragedy. Collecting all information and accounts in one blog. Reminds me of the tsunami blog. I think we need to repeat this as soon as something happens. It is better to use our tools to bring things under one blog (or wiki), that will also serve as a scrapbook documenting the event, help people know more and access the information easily without following different …

This post is not about the elections

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Mohamed, from Cairo asks a good question:

Seems that the only reason blogs get mentioned is politics, and seems that the only people whom are interested in Egyptian politics are non-Egyptians! In order to balance things abit, I've written an article about blogs, from a total non-political perspective, and am trying to publish it at one of the local English-language publications, in an attempt to get more non-political bloggers on board. Looks like no one …


in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

I wrote an account on my trip to Sudan on 18th of March 2004, I didn't have this blog to post it to. So I emailed it to everyone I knew. I guess it is worth putting here. Since this post is very long, I tried to add as much photos as I can to make the post more appealing. Note that some photos have hotspots that are annotated. I also added an interactive google …

I finished gynecology and obstetrics

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa
  • (insert here a very common interjection that is usually cut out from TV and films in Egypt. Alexandrians consider it a harmless preposition)
  • (insert here the Arabic slang for what gynaecologists work around all day.) + (insert the Arabic word for mother)
  • (insert here the Arabic slang for the position in which a woman gives birth)

repeat the above loudly and hysterically while driving back home from the last day in the round.

The day after Katrina

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa


Katrina is scary. The photos from the news sites reminds me of the Day After Tomorrow. Here are photos from real people posted at flickr. Even scarier photos from newswires

Also, here are some evidence that Hurricanes will go from bad to worse in the upcoming years due to global warming.

An implication of these studies is that if the frequency of tropical cyclones remains the same over the coming century, a greenhouse-gas induced warming …

Back from Dahab

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Well, apart from the standard activities you can do in Sinai like snorkeling, hiking, sleeping on the mountain that God spoke in a way that God would never appreciate, sleeping on the beach and dodging police flashlights at night, watching the sunrise and seagulls, sleeping in an Internet cafe along side a stray dog, sleeping in a bar's toilet, getting your legs bruised and scratched in your first windsurfing lesson, seeing veiled women getting out …

Perseid Meteor Shower

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

I was very lucky to watch this year's Perseid meteor shower.

Last Friday, in Marina, my cousin noticed two shooting stars. I vaguely remembered that there was a meteor shower in mid August. We drove about 20km west of El-Alamein, we escaped city lights. We didn't stay long because they were not really showers. They were like 1 meteor every 6 or 8 minutes. Anyways, since this was my first meteor shower I get to …

several picks

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

This post is a little bit different. I would like to share some of my bookmarks and things I found on the Internet.

Few of the best music tracks I found available under a non restrictive license. They deserve a mention here as they made it to my main playlist. You can download them, share or remix some of them.

You …