Egypt is free from Polio

... World Health Organization officials say, the birthplace of polio appears for the first time to have ceased to be a source of transmission of the virus, with no new cases recorded in Egypt over the past 12 months ...

read it in full

This is great news and I hope that we can keep it up. I hope that the keen detection of new cases and strict and wide spread immunization continues with the same level …

Blog is still alive

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Well, some of you may have noticed that my blog was down for several days now. Even google cached the error message displayed by server.

google cache

I fixed it my self. Well, this comes as a development as I have always feared to learn MySQL administration and considering it something very alien to me. Well after a few minutes of googling I found that I had to drop the cache table as it was corrupt and …

Yet another new year

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

*Yawn* ... So it is 2006. I can't figure what is so exciting about new year celebration. What are people celebrating exactly ? That planet Earth continued its rotation around the Sun successfully ? Didn't she rotate around the sun, billions of times before. She slows down a little bit, year after year. But nothing serious.

BTW, I have been blogging for one year. I can't find this exciting either.

I guess I am depressed.

سنوية التسونامي

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

من سنة تقريبا رج زلزال المحيط الهندي العالم كلة. عرفنا بنوع جديد من الكوارث. قتل آلاف البشر، بالتقريب 275,000 و العدد غير دقيق و مازال يراجع. و تشرد 14 ألف شخص و شرد أكثر من مليون شخص.

لم أفقد عزيز لي في هذا الحادث و لكن من هولة سأقف أمام خليج العقبة فى صمت لمدة دقيقة في نفس ساعة حدوث الزلزال بعد غد.

أعتذر عن كل من يتكلم العربية و أباح لنفسة أمام رعب …

حضرتِك ...أنتِ أصلِك سمكة

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

أنا: فالموضوع كله سببه حرف واحد على جين أسمة SLC24A5 ، فالأنسان الأفريقي مختلف عن الأوروبي من ناحية اللون بحرف واحد. حرف واحد عمل البلاوى الى في تاريخ البشرية و عبودية و حروب كلها طلع سببها حرف واحد.

أنا: من يومين أتنشر أن الجين ده موجود عند سمكة و مسؤول عن اللون بتاعها. و الجين ده فضل يتورث مع تطور البشر و أتغير حرف واحد منه عند الأوربيين. و مسؤول عن بتاع 60% من لون البشرة …

GlobalVoices summit: Join us online

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa



UPDATE already started, thanks for Sabbah for the photo. More photos on flickr

In few minutes (sorry for not announcing earlier). The 2nd GlobalVoices summit will start. GVO Editors, bloggers and journalists will be participating.

You can join online by listening to the live webcast, check the live blog and live transcript. You can also ask questions on IRC.

Webcast: Click here to listen to the live webcast. Starting at 12:00pm Cairo time, Saturday …

Hashiriya: Japanese drag racing

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa

Speeding Car in a Tunnel

MasaMania writes (with tons of photos) about street racing in Tokyo. Hashiriya is the name of the races. Seeing the photos I never could have imagined that there could be so much powerful cars in just one place.

And the rules are:

... Hashiriya never be scare of police. They memorise exactly where speed traps are setted. and they have special divice to detect police car approching. and of course, they are too speedy to be …