🔗 نوتة - الناس بتنام أحسن وهي مرتاحة وده معناه مرتبة ومخدات مناسبة. - غرفة النوم لازم ماتكونش سخنة أوي أو
sleep hygiene advice in arabic - work in progress
sleep hygiene advice in arabic - work in progress
a way to create adhoc wifi voip with android phones without the need for internet or mobile coverage
A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).
client side encrypted pastebin written in python
Long form article on the NSA revelations in detail. Web design is impressive.
Attempt to develop new ways of classifying psychopathology based on dimensions of observable behaviour and neurological measures.
20 point Lay's procrastination scale with questions for students and non-students
This website provides cultural information and background on different refugee and immigrant communities including information about culture, language, health, illness, and community resources. Useful to health care providers who see patients from different ethnic groups.
Children oriented TF-CBT on-line course
Guidebook for PFA for children and adolescents
documents the conversion of young Greek Military Police recruits into torturers and touches on the subject of the power of the institution to compel otherwise moral human beings to torture
Hamzawy's criticism of the liberal/nationalist block post June 30
The story of PLoS
inexpensive open access journal and pre-prints server for biological and medical sciences
I need to learn this
The DSM as a dystopian novel
on the man who created the first search engine: Archie.
Egypt: 1.9 billion incidents
Distributed citizen groups and nimble hackers once had the edge. Now governments and corporations are catching up. Who will dominate in the decades ahead?
«بوابة الشروق» تبحث عن إجابة السؤال الصعب: كم عدد ضحايا فض رابعة؟
Saudi warns women against defying driving ban
Mice chew on deadly scorpions to kill pain
If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife. Pandoc can convert between a wide range of formats.