🔗 RAM Electronics : Raspberry Pi Model B 512MB RAM (ARM11 Family) [RASPBERRY.PI.B.512] - 425.00L.E.
RAM Electronics : Raspberry Pi Model B 512MB RAM (ARM11 Family) [RASPBERRY.PI.B.512] -
RAM Electronics : Raspberry Pi Model B 512MB RAM (ARM11 Family) [RASPBERRY.PI.B.512] -
"ثورة" الثلاثين من يونيو كانت من أكثر الأحداث خداعاً في تاريخ مصر الحديث.
I got my Raspberry Pi. Now it is time to test OwnCloud with it. I tried out different configurations to make the use of Owncloud on the Raspberry Pi practicable. Owncloud Owncloud is a personal Dropbox-Clone with some added features. It is written in PHP and requires any web-server capable of PHP to run on.…
So after the popularity of my post regarding optimisation of apache in a pure LAMP setup on the Raspberry Pi I want to talk about optimising lighttpd for the Raspberry Pi also. During this tutorial I will go through installing PHP APC, ensuring we have caching optimised for our static content, ensuring we have fast […]
المرحلة التانية من الخطط التالت للمترو كان المفروض تخلص النهارده، كان هايوصل الكوربة
Build your own distributed sensor network to collect, analyze, and visualize real-time data about our human environment—including noise level, temperature, and people flow. With this hands-on book, you’ll learn how to turn your project id...
هو السيسي أمامه 3 علب ويت وايبس ليه؟
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Calculate your road bike size using your height and leg length. You'll get a printable page with a recommended frame size.
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Ever since the announcement of the Raspberry Pi, sites all across the Internet have offered lots of interesting and challenging uses for this exciting device. Although all of those ideas are great, the most obvious and perhaps least glamorous use for the Raspberry Pi (RPi) is creating your perfect home server.
BitTorrent is without a doubt the most popular file-sharing method out there, Peer-2-Peer (P2P) torrent downloading requires a computer which runs a torrent downloading client to fetch content from other users sharing it. Torrent downloading can be slow as speeds depends on swarm sharing the content, this means you need to have your computer powered-on consuming electricity. Luckily, we can now use our ultra-cheap Raspberry Pi to get the job done 24x7 - consuming just 5w of power. After completing the basic setup of the Raspberry Pi, networking it to internet, attaching an external HDD and configuring it to work as an Network Attached Storage (NAS) we all all set to install the cross-platform Transmission Torrent Client of the RasPi to get our cheap seedbox working.
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A document in German about the reconstruction of shredded paper by Fraunhofer Institute http://is.gd/AmaswJ (via @HaKhei)
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Egypt jails American traveler, saying she criticized the government on Facebook