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🔗 الوطن | شهادة من جامعة الإسكندرية: «عبدالعاطى» فنى معمل وممتاز فى إصلاح الأجهزة العلمية الدقيقة


قطعة أرض يمتلكها إبراهيم عبدالعاطى فى منطقة العامرية بالإسكندرية دخل بسببها فى نزاع قضائى مع القوات المسلحة، وأقام دعوى سنة 1990 ضد وزير الدفاع والإنتاج الحربى والقائد العام للقوات المسلحة بصفته وضد اللواء رئيس الهيئة الهندسية للقوات المسلحة بصفته.. وأعلنهما المدعى بهيئة قضايا الدولة فى الإسكندرية، يطالب بتعويض عن أرض يمتلكها واستخدمت لإنشاء مبنى تابع للقوات المسلحة.. وصدر لصالحه حكم فى الدعوى التى حملت رقم 8729 لسنة 1990 مدنى كلى الإسكندرية الصادر بجلسة 29 يونيو سنة 1991 بأن يؤدى الجيش للطالب مبلغا وقدره سبعة ملايين وخمسمائة وتسعة آلاف جنيه.

🔗 Olimex: OpenEEG

The OpenEEG project is about making plans and software for do-it-yourself EEG devices available for free (as in GPL). It is aimed toward amateurs who would like to experiment with EEG. However, if you are a pro in any of the fields of electronics, neurofeedback, software development etc., you are of course welcome to join the mailing-list and share your wisdom.

🔗 They Starved So That Others Be Better Fed: Remembering Ancel Keys and the Minnesota Experiment


During World War II, 36 conscientious objectors participated in a study of human starvation conducted by Ancel Keys and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment, as it was later known, was a grueling study meant to gain insight into the physical and psychologic effects of semistarvation and the problem of refeeding civilians who had been starved during the war.



We conducted a representative survey of Mogadishu's population—the first in 25 years—in March 2012. We overcame challenges related to lack of data and poor security with the use of remote sensing, the systematic development of local contacts through the Somali diaspora, the flexible deployment of staff, and mobile technology. This article demonstrates the value of using transparent sampling methods to produce reliable estimates for humanitarian response and policy makers. The article also highlights shortcomings and lessons learned from our approach, with the goal of improving future data collection efforts in insecure environments.