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IELTS writing tasks and samples
IELTS writing tasks and samples
Lookup scholarly articles as you browse the web.
Map vulnerable areas in the developing world for international and local NGOs to better respond to crises. Uses OpenStreetMap. MSF is a partner.
The HEC say many of those hoping to run in next month's parliamentary elections were rejected because they tested positive for drug use
Community fork of Shaarli
Torture remains an ongoing global problem. Many individuals who have migrated from areas of conflict and political instability have suffered some form of torture. Survivors of torture can present significant challenges to general practitioners, voluntary bodies and mental health services. This article describes the many physical, psychological and social effects of torture. An understanding of these will hopefully aid comprehensive assessment of survivors of torture by local mental health teams. Also described are the current treatment options and their evidence base.
38,000 words article on programming
Easy baked tofu recipe
This site provides a series of online textbooks covering electricity and electronics. The information provided is great for both students and hobbyists who are looking to expand their knowledge in this field. These textbooks were written by Tony R. Kuphaldt and released under the Design Science License.
The Oculus Rift will require a powerful gaming PC to pump out the high frame rate required to make the VR experience enjoyable.
قطعة أرض يمتلكها إبراهيم عبدالعاطى فى منطقة العامرية بالإسكندرية دخل بسببها فى نزاع قضائى مع القوات المسلحة، وأقام دعوى سنة 1990 ضد وزير الدفاع والإنتاج الحربى والقائد العام للقوات المسلحة بصفته وضد اللواء رئيس الهيئة الهندسية للقوات المسلحة بصفته.. وأعلنهما المدعى بهيئة قضايا الدولة فى الإسكندرية، يطالب بتعويض عن أرض يمتلكها واستخدمت لإنشاء مبنى تابع للقوات المسلحة.. وصدر لصالحه حكم فى الدعوى التى حملت رقم 8729 لسنة 1990 مدنى كلى الإسكندرية الصادر بجلسة 29 يونيو سنة 1991 بأن يؤدى الجيش للطالب مبلغا وقدره سبعة ملايين وخمسمائة وتسعة آلاف جنيه.
TileMill is a design studio to create stunning interactive maps.
Air Quality sensors
"practical, evidence-based techniques for correcting misinformation about [...] any situation where you find the facts are falling on deaf ears."
e-learning module from the social care institute of excellence - aims at understanding:
Site developed to help staff working in health and social care (including those in the private and voluntary sectors) as well as unpaid carers, to improve the way they assess mental capacity. Including an audit tool
Wordoids are made-up words.
The OpenEEG project is about making plans and software for do-it-yourself EEG devices available for free (as in GPL). It is aimed toward amateurs who would like to experiment with EEG. However, if you are a pro in any of the fields of electronics, neurofeedback, software development etc., you are of course welcome to join the mailing-list and share your wisdom.
Dropbox clone on your raspberry pi... so far it's quite good and lighter than owncloud.
Step-by-step instructions to install a dropbox clone on a Raspberry Pi server.
Market for 3D objects
Experiencing Second Life with an Oculus Rift VR headset. Described by someone who built a replica of 1920s Berlin.
Open Source Virtual Reality .. compatible with Second Life viewers and objects.
How to report faulty medical equipment