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🔗 الابتزاز الإلكتروني يدفع فتاة إلى الانتحار في مصر

⚠️ تحذير محتوى خطير - تفاصيل طريقة انتحار

انتشرت خلال الأعوام الأخيرة ظاهرة الانتحار عن طريق "حبة الغلة"، خصوصاً في القرى والأرياف، وهي مبيد حشري يستخدم لحفظ القمح من الفساد والتسوس، ويتم تداولها على نطاق واسع وفي المحال التجارية وليس الجمعيات الزراعية والعيادات البيطرية فقط.

ونظراً إلى سوء استخدامها وتداولها بين الأطفال بسهولة أصبحت أسرع وسيلة للموت المحقق والانتحار، خصوصاً أنه لا يوجد مضاد حيوي يوقف مفعولها، فهي بمجرد نزولها في الجسم أو المعدة تتنج سموماً تسمى "غاز الفوسفين" شديد السُمية وهو غاز لا يوجد علاج أو ترياق مضاد له، فـ500 ملليغرام من هذا المركب كفيلة بقتل إنسان، ولك أن تعلم أن القرص المتداول 1 غرام أي ضعف الجرعة القاتلة.

يتم استيراد "حبة الغلة" القاتلة من الهند والصين، واسمها العلمي "فوسفيد الألمنيوم"، وتباع في محال المبيدات الزراعية والصيدليات البيطرية …

🔗 How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds


[Google] has continuously built and extended their products around the free and open RSS protocol to gain user trust, only to then remove RSS support once they've locked users in, and ignore any complaints or requests to restore it.

... [by] incorporating RSS features into their products and then removing them negatively impacts user perception and confidence around RSS overall.

🔗 Okay, Color Spaces


no three-dimensional space could ever be perceptually uniform; three dimensions just cannot capture all of the weird and wonderful ways that our eyes and brains process color comparisons. As anyone who has entered a Turrell or debated The Dress can tell you, color perception is wild. When trying to predict how people are going to perceive the difference between two colors, we need to account for way more than three variables.

🔗 The art of listening


"Rogers believed that a therapist should be less a problem-solver, and more a sort of skilled midwife, drawing out solutions that already existed in the client. All people possess a deep urge to 'self-actualise', he believed, and it is the therapist's job to nurture this urge. They were there to 'release and strengthen the individual, rather than to intervene in his life'. Key to achieving this goal was careful, focused, 'active' listening."

🔗 It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices


Not the first complicity in genocide. People should just stop using Meta.

Palestinian and pro-Palestinian voices have been censored and suppressed across Meta’s platforms. This latest wave of censorship, which coincides with “apocalyptic” violence in the Gaza Strip and stark warnings of genocide from the UN and the International Court of Justice (ICJ), adds to Meta’s long history of systematically censoring Palestine-related content. While the company has stated that it’s never their “intention to suppress a particular community or point of view,” our documentation points to the opposite conclusion. This pattern of censorship is no glitch.

In this report, we show how Meta is systematically silencing the voices of both Palestinians and those advocating for Palestinians’ rights. We delve into the roots of this censorship …

🔗 Car harm: A global review of automobility's harm to people and the environment


Despite the widespread harm caused by cars and automobility, governments, corporations, and individuals continue to facilitate it by expanding roads, manufacturing larger vehicles, and subsidising parking, electric cars, and resource extraction. This literature review synthesises the negative consequences of automobility, or car harm, which we have grouped into four categories: violence, ill health, social injustice, and environmental damage. We find that, since their invention, cars and automobility have killed 60–80 million people and injured at least 2 billion. Currently, 1 in 34 deaths are caused by automobility. Cars have exacerbated social inequities and damaged ecosystems in every global region, including in remote car-free places. While some people benefit from automobility, nearly everyone—whether or not they drive—is harmed by it. Slowing automobility's violence and pollution will …

🔗 Gods by The Bitmap Brothers


Screenshot from the game. Pixel art

MS DOS game from my childhood. You can play it in the browser.

Hercules is aiming to achieve immortality by completing the task the Gods have set him. His task is presented as a platform adventure set in ancient Greece, featuring a variety of enemies as you play it through.

🔗 UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls

  • Deliberate targeting and extrajudicial killing of Palestinian women and children in places where they sought refuge, or while fleeing.
  • Arbitrary detention of hundreds of Palestinian women and girls, including human rights defenders, journalists and humanitarian workers, in Gaza and the West Bank since 7 October.
  • Multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers.
  • At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped
  • Others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence
  • Children being separated from their parents, whose whereabouts remain unknown

🔗 Car crashes are killing too many young Africans like Kelvin Kiptum.


Last year, the World Health Organization reported that traffic fatalities had increased by 17 percent in Africa over the past 10 years, even as they fell 5 percent overall worldwide. Road crashes are now one of the top causes of the deaths in a continent contending with plenty of other public health challenges.

The rise in traffic crashes may partly reflect Africa’s economic growth in recent years. “Part of the reason for increased fatalities in Africa is the increase in the number of vehicles on the roads,” Nhan Tran, who leads the WHO’s safety and mobility unit, told the Guardian in December. “People who were not able to afford a vehicle 10 or 20 years ago can now buy one. Africa has seen a big increase …

🔗 ‘Introducing Jacques Lacan’: 1. ‘In his Historical Context’


Jacques Lacan was one of the most important psychoanalysts ever to have lived. Building upon the work of Sigmund Freud, he sought to refine Freudian insights with the use of linguistics, arguing that “the structure of unconscious is like a language”. Controversial throughout his lifetime both for adopting mathematical concepts in his psychoanalytic framework and for advocating therapy sessions of varying length, he is widely misunderstood and often unfairly dismissed as impenetrable. In this clear, wide-ranging primer, Lionel Bailly demonstrates how Lacan’s ideas are still vitally relevant to contemporary issues of mental health treatment. Defending Lacan from his numerous detractors, past and present, Bailly guides the reader through Lacan’s canon, from “l'objet petit a” to “The Mirror Stage” and beyond. Including coverage of developments in Lacanian …

🔗 Heba Zagout, We Will Not Forget You


Killed in an IDF in an air strike on Gaza in October 13, 2023.

Zagout gained a dedicated following on Instagram from all around the world. Viewers responded to her vibrant paintings of cityscapes and portraits that documented aspects of Palestinian culture; I wrote and illustrated this comic to honor Heba and her art. As a Palestinian artist myself, I wanted to offer a fraction of her life and what her work meant to the people of the world.

But in working on this comic, the only thought running through my mind was: How can anyone possibly capture the scale and severity of this destruction, this dehumanization? With every minute, more and more Palestinian martyrs become statistics. I recalled the words of the writer Khalil in Gaza (@khalilo1 …

🔗 Twitter's mass purge of accounts supporting Palestine


Twitter/X has launched a massive purge against large accounts that have posted in support of Palestine. The purge has taken well-known activists, bloggers, podcasts, journalists such as Alan Mcleod, and even some from critical mainstream outlets like the Intercept’s Ken Klippenstein and Steven Zetti of the Texas Observer.

This is another reminder of why open and community owned platforms must be the backbone of social media.

🔗 Israeli Group Claims It’s Working With Big Tech Insiders to Censor “Inflammatory” Wartime Content

A small group of volunteers from Israel’s tech sector is working tirelessly to remove content it says doesn’t belong on platforms like Facebook and TikTok, tapping personal connections at those and other Big Tech companies to have posts deleted outside official channels, the project’s founder told The Intercept.