Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 Heba Zagout, We Will Not Forget You


Killed in an IDF in an air strike on Gaza in October 13, 2023.

Zagout gained a dedicated following on Instagram from all around the world. Viewers responded to her vibrant paintings of cityscapes and portraits that documented aspects of Palestinian culture; I wrote and illustrated this comic to honor Heba and her art. As a Palestinian artist myself, I wanted to offer a fraction of her life and what her work meant to the people of the world.

But in working on this comic, the only thought running through my mind was: How can anyone possibly capture the scale and severity of this destruction, this dehumanization? With every minute, more and more Palestinian martyrs become statistics. I recalled the words of the writer Khalil in Gaza (@khalilo1 …

🔗 Twitter's mass purge of accounts supporting Palestine


Twitter/X has launched a massive purge against large accounts that have posted in support of Palestine. The purge has taken well-known activists, bloggers, podcasts, journalists such as Alan Mcleod, and even some from critical mainstream outlets like the Intercept’s Ken Klippenstein and Steven Zetti of the Texas Observer.

This is another reminder of why open and community owned platforms must be the backbone of social media.

🔗 Israeli Group Claims It’s Working With Big Tech Insiders to Censor “Inflammatory” Wartime Content

A small group of volunteers from Israel’s tech sector is working tirelessly to remove content it says doesn’t belong on platforms like Facebook and TikTok, tapping personal connections at those and other Big Tech companies to have posts deleted outside official channels, the project’s founder told The Intercept.

🔗 Israel not only prevents entry of aid into Gaza, but also kills those who try to receive it


The Israeli army is not only starving Palestinians in the northern Gaza Valley, but has also killed dozens of individuals who tried to receive the meagre aid that did arrive there, perpetuating the genocide that Israel has been committing against the people of the Gaza Strip since 7 October 2023, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement on Tuesday.

🔗 Modern Egypt — (XIV) A forgotten revolutionary


On Georges Henein and his Art and Liberty Group.

He saw that the advances that had taken place in culture and art had not truly transformed the belief systems, values, frames of reference, attitudes, and ways of life of large sections of Egyptian society. He saw that the liberalism of the era remained largely confined to Egypt’s upper social strata.

Henein and his Art and Liberty Group colleagues also did not revere the previous generations that had led the march of Egyptian culture in previous decades. In his view, they had failed, and they had been complacent about their failure. They had chosen to live in a bubble, sustaining the false narrative that the society around them was developing and modernising and incorporating liberal attitudes, whereas in …

🔗 Cars are rewiring our brains to ignore all the bad stuff about driving


That’s because a lot of us suffer from a malady called “car brain” — though Ian Walker, a professor of environmental psychology at Swansea University in Wales, prefers to call it “motonormativity.” This is the term coined by Walker and his team to describe the “cultural inability to think objectively and dispassionately” about how we use cars.

Think of it like “heteronormativity,” the idea that heterosexual couples “automatically, but inappropriately, assume all other people fit their own categories,” but for cars.

Walker noticed that people tend to have a giant blindspot when it comes to certain behaviors associated with driving, whether it’s speeding, carbon emissions, traffic crashes, or any other of the vast litany of negative external effects that result from a culture that caters to automobile …

🔗 Arti


Meet the artists initiative.

We believe that original art stands out. This conviction drives us to create a direct channel between artists, art lovers, and collectors.

There are more artists than there are spaces to show their work.

The art world is complex but the market is archaic and exclusive. Access is rarely easy. Galleries take a large percentage off the artwork price. Online experience of viewing and buying art is impersonal. It can feel like buying an Ikea.

By gaining more space in creativity and freedom in directing the journeys of their artworks, artists will make more powerful art. Studios are the optimal place to see and experience them.

🔗 Think Python, 3rd edition


Think Python is an introduction to Python for people who have never programmed before – or for people who have tried and had a hard time.

The book is now entirely in Jupyter notebooks, so you can read the text, run the code, and work on the exercises, all in one place. Using the links below, you can run the notebooks on Colab, so you don’t have to install anything to get started.

🔗 Edward Said seems like a prophet: 20 years on, ‘there’s hunger for his narrative’


“Frustration that he’s not actually here to respond to the very obvious censorship that is afoot in all of the major dailies in the United States. Said could have broken through and found a hearing, at a moment when so many more people around the world are seeing for the first time what the Zionist project really is in practice.”

there can be no way of satisfactorily conducting a life whose main concern is to prevent the past from recurring.

In many instances, there is an unmistakable coincidence between the experiences of Arab Palestinians at the hands of Zionism and the experiences of those black, yellow, and brown people who were described as inferior and subhuman by nineteenth-century imperialists.

I cannot understand how raw, naked evidence can …

🔗 Hotels in the Afterlife


Unfinished hotel structure, round like a spaceship

With images by Sabine Haubitz and Stefanie Zoche of Haubitz+Zoche, the show looks at “the concrete skeletons of five-star hotel complexes” abandoned on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. They are resorts that never quite happened, then, with names like Sultan’s Palace and the Magic Life Imperial. This makes them “monuments to failed investment.”

🔗 هيئة الدواء المصرية - توافر


تتيح الخدمة لكافة المواطنين الاستفسار عن مدى توافر المستحضرات الدوائية في السوق الدوائي المصري، ومن ثم تقوم الإدارة المعنية بهيئة الدواء المصرية بالتواصل مع مقدم الاستفسار للإجابة على الاستفسار المقدم، وكذلك يمكنكم التواصل معنا مباشرة على الخط الساخن 15301

🔗 Egypt Threatens Netanyahu with End of Camp David Peace Accords if he Invades Rafah


It seems clear that even countries that are more or less at peace with Israel, whether formally (Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates) or informally (Saudi Arabia) have their hair on fire about the proposed Rafah operation.

Although American newspapers depict Egypt as broke, desperate and easily manipulated, my own estimation is that Cairo absolutely will not accept the Palestinians of Gaza as refugees on its soil. The Sinai is already a security problem for Cairo, and 2 million radicalized Palestinians would make it ungovernable. No amount of debt forgiveness would make such a bitter pill go down.

🔗 نزيف الأدوية.. نقص الدولار يُهدّد صحة المصريين


تعاني العديد من القطاعات الصناعية والتجارية نتيجة الفجوة بين السعر الرسمي لصرف الدولار وسعره بالسوق السوداء، الذي يواجه حالة من عدم الاستقرار؛ إذ سجّل مستويات قياسيّة متجاوزًا حاجز الـ70 جنيهًا ليواجه بعدها هبوطًا حادًّا، ويصل إلى نحو 50 جنيهًا، ثمّ يعود ليستقرّ عند نحو 61 جنيهًا حتّى إعداد هذا التقرير.

ويعدّ قطاع الأدوية أحد أكثر القطاعات تضرّرًا وهو ما انعكس بدوره على أسواق الدواء بمصر، وخلق أزمة نواقص في بعض الأصناف والمجموعات الدوائيّة، إضافة لارتفاع أسعار العديد منها.

وخلال الأشهر الأخيرة اختفت عشرات الأصناف الدوائيّة المخصّصة لعلاج معظم الأمراض المزمنة كضغط الدم والسكّريّ والقلب والمرارة والغدّة الدرقيّة والكلى واضطرابات المعدة وحمّى البحر المتوسّط، والسرطان، إلى جانب نقاط الأنف للرض …