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Advice for hospital staff during the COVID pandemic.
Advice for hospital staff during the COVID pandemic.
A series of messages that can be used in communications to support mental and psychosocial well-being in different target groups during the outbreak developed by the WHO
The local government of Wuhan has implemented policies to address these mental health problems. Medical staff infected with 2019-nCoV while at work will be identified as having work-related injuries.3
Patients with confirmed or suspected 2019-nCoV may experience fear of the consequences of infection with a potentially fatal new virus, and those in quarantine might experience boredom, loneliness, and anger. Furthermore, symptoms of the infection, such as fever, hypoxia, and cough, as well as adverse effects of treatment, such as insomnia caused by corticosteroids, could lead to worsening anxiety and mental distress. 2019-nCoV has been repeatedly described as a killer virus, for example on WeChat, which has perpetuated the sense of danger and uncertainty among health workers and the public. In the early phase of the SARS outbreak, a range of psychiatric morbidities, including persistent depression, anxiety, panic attacks, psychomotor excitement, psychotic symptoms, delirium, and even suicidality, were reported.6
Most reviewed studies reported negative psychological effects including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger. Stressors included longer quarantine duration, infection fears, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial loss, and stigma. Some researchers have suggested long-lasting effects. In situations where quarantine is deemed necessary, officials should quarantine individuals for no longer than required, provide clear rationale for quarantine and information about protocols, and ensure sufficient supplies are provided. Appeals to altruism by reminding the public about the benefits of quarantine to wider society can be favourable.
This briefing note summarises key mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) considerations in relation to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Core mental health books
This book examines how video game mechanics and narratives can teach players skills associated with increased psychological well-being.
The following table provides a listing of people on Twitter who write about, talk about, or study the overlap between video games and academic fields like psychology, communications, economics, sociology, etc.
Take This works to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry.
أثار قانون 2009 جدالاً منذ بداية الحديث عنه في عام 2008 بسبب انقسام العاملين في مجال الطب النفسي لتيارين. التيار الأول شارك في صياغة القانون وأيده، ويرفض أي تعديلات تنتقص من حقوق المرضى أو تعمل على تغيير المصطلحات واقتطاع المزيد من الميزانية المحددة لقطاع المرض النفسي. الثاني يرفض القانون ويسعى منذ سنوات ومن خلال قنوات مختلفة لإقرار تعديلات تسلب المريض النفسي حرية تقرير مصيره وتزيد من سلطة الطبيب النفسي وسطوته.
A BBC investigation has uncovered there are no laws against anyone operating as a therapist, psychotherapist or a counsellor in the UK.
تعديلات قانون رعاية المريض النفسي: تقهقر إلى الوراء -- بقلم د. راجية الجرزاوي
List of some of the private mental health clinics available in Cairo and Alexandria
تعديلات قانون رعاية المريض النفسي تنتهك حقوق المرضى في الصحة والسلامة
جبهة الدفاع عن مستشفى العباسية للصحة النفسية ترفض التعديلات المقترحة على قانون رعاية المريض النفسي رقم 71 لسنة 2009
لجنة الصحة بـ #البرلمان تعقد اليوم جلسات استماع حول قانون رعاية المريض النفسى
Ruling against emergency involuntary ect without oversight
Proposed mental health law update
The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT) was developed on the premise that exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people—known as vicarious trauma—is an inevitable occupational challenge for the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals; however, organizations can mitigate the potentially negative effects of trauma exposure by becoming vicarious trauma-informed.
!!!Aims and method
Death of patients by suicide can have powerful effects on psychiatrists. We report the findings of a survey completed by 174 psychiatrists on the effects of patient suicide on their emotional well-being and clinical practice, and the support and resources they felt would be helpful.
!!!Results and clinical implications
The death of a patient by suicide usually had a major effect on respondents. Clinical practice was often negatively affected, and over a quarter of respondents considered a change of career path as a result. There were some gender differences in responses, with women reporting more sense of responsibility for the deaths and a greater effect on their clinical confidence. Desired support included a senior suicide lead clinician, support during formal post-suicide processes, opportunity for reflection …
تفوقت مصر على الدول العربية التي تشهد نزاعات مسلحة وحروبا أهلية حيث شهدت 3799 حالة انتحار في عام 2016، وتجاوز عدد الرجال المنتحرين أعداد النساء المنتحرات (3095 مقابل 704)
المسح القومى: 24.7%يعانون من «أعراض نفسية».. و3.1% مكتئبون.. و1.6% مصابون بالقلق.. وسكان «الريف» أكثر اضطراباً من «المدن»
"The meta-analysis suggested that an increase in ambient PM2.5 concentration was strongly associated with increased depression risk in the general population, and the association appeared stronger at long-term lag and cumulative lag patterns, suggesting a potential cumulative exposure effect over time."
This article provides a historical and contemporary overview of e-cigarettes and vaping. The reader will gain an understanding of e-cigarette usage, risks and benefits, the current position on use of e-cigarettes in mental health settings, and tips on how to take an e-cigarette/vaping history and how to offer advice about use.