Posts with the tag « mental-health » :

🔗 CBD, with Dr Amir Englund | Say Why To Drugs on acast


"Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound found in cannabis. In recent times it's began to be found on our high streets, available in everything from coffee to ice-cream to vape liquid. It's also been touted as a medication to treat a variety of health ailments, from childhood epilepsy to insomnia. In this episode Suzi is joined by researcher Dr Amir Englund from Kings College London to separate myth from evidence around what CBD is, and what it can, and can't do."

🔗 Psychiatric assessment and treatment of survivors of torture | BJPsych Advances

Torture remains an ongoing global problem. Many individuals who have migrated from areas of conflict and political instability have suffered some form of torture. Survivors of torture can present significant challenges to general practitioners, voluntary bodies and mental health services. This article describes the many physical, psychological and social effects of torture. An understanding of these will hopefully aid comprehensive assessment of survivors of torture by local mental health teams. Also described are the current treatment options and their evidence base.

🔗 سليمان خاطر - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

قال التقرير النفسي الذي صدر بعد فحص سليمان بعد الحادث أن سليمان "مختل نوعًا ما " والسبب أن "الظلام كان يحول مخاوفه إلي أشكال أسطورية خرافية مرعبة تجعله يقفز من الفراش في فزع، وكان الظلام يجعله يتصور أن الأشباح تعيش في قاع الترعة وأنها تخبط الماء بقوة في الليل وهي في طريقها إليه". بناء على رأي أطباء وضباط وقضاة الحكومة، عوقب سليمان لأنهم أثبتوا أن الأشباح التي تخيفه في الظلام اسمها صهيونية.