🔗 Psychiatry Training UK
Helpful resources to guide you on psychiatry training programme in the United Kingdom (UK) and career development.
Helpful resources to guide you on psychiatry training programme in the United Kingdom (UK) and career development.
Lectures recorded in 2020 on Computational Psychiatry. I am downloading them.
This is a Google Books link but the book is accessible via the RCPsych EBSCO Host account.
If the diagnosis of catatonia is uncertain, the lorazepam challenge can help distinguish.
Narrative review of involuntary treatment around the world.
500 milliamps may be as effective as 900 and cause fewer cognitive side-effects.
Our capacity to recognise places and imagine them from alternative points of view is thought to depend on the hippocampal formation, a part of the brain that is affected during the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease. The Four Mountains Test, developed at UCL and the University of York, is a simple test of this ability and of individual variation in healthy people and patients. <<<
HIS is a scale used to differentiate patients with multi-infarct dementia from Alzheimer's. This is a meta-analysis of pathologically verified cases.
In 2013, the LPA joined efforts with the Lebanese Psychiatric Society (LPS) and other non-profit organizations to advocate for the rights of LGBT individuals in Lebanon. The LPA issued a joint statement with the LPS stating that homosexuality is not a disease and does not require reparative treatment. LPA continues to support organizations in Lebanon raising awareness and lobbying for the rights of LGBT people in Lebanon.
The validity, efficacy and ethics of clinical attempts to change an individual's sexual orientation have been challenged. To date, there are no scientifically rigorous outcome studies to determine either the actual efficacy or harm of "reparative" treatments. There is sparse scientific data about selection criteria, risks versus benefits of the treatment, and long-term outcomes of "reparative" therapies. The literature consists of anecdotal reports of individuals who have claimed to change, people who claim that attempts to change were harmful to them, and others who claimed to have changed and then later recanted those claims.
- Theories at odds with APA position that homosexuality is a mental illness
- Theories integrate old psychoanalytic theories with religious beliefs.
United Nations Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - IESOGI - calls for a global ban on conversion therapy.
Conversion therapy, a practice that aims to change, ‘cure’ or ‘repair’ an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity, is a global problem that causes severe physical and psychological suffering to its victims. A new expert statement by the IRCT and the Independent Forensic Expert Group (IFEG) concludes that conversion therapy is practiced in more than 69 countries, is unscientific and violates the global ban on torture and ill-treatment.
In an influential book, he defied the idea that being gay, as he was, is an illness, and took on psychiatry’s “history of homophobia.” He died of the coronavirus.
Evidence on the neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations and complications of COVID-19 infections is emerging and this is likely to accelerate as the pandemic develops and clinical syndromes are detected, characterised and their mechanisms investigated.
Faculty of medical psychotherapy created a best practice guidelines for remote therapy prepared from existing recommendations by different professional organisations.
Voluntary withdrawal schedule
Core mental health books
أثار قانون 2009 جدالاً منذ بداية الحديث عنه في عام 2008 بسبب انقسام العاملين في مجال الطب النفسي لتيارين. التيار الأول شارك في صياغة القانون وأيده، ويرفض أي تعديلات تنتقص من حقوق المرضى أو تعمل على تغيير المصطلحات واقتطاع المزيد من الميزانية المحددة لقطاع المرض النفسي. الثاني يرفض القانون ويسعى منذ سنوات ومن خلال قنوات مختلفة لإقرار تعديلات تسلب المريض النفسي حرية تقرير مصيره وتزيد من سلطة الطبيب النفسي وسطوته.
The authors identify that a formulation-informed, long-term therapeutic approach is helpful.
Centers that offer observership in Europe
In 2005, the International Society of Addiction Medicine established a process for physicians to demonstrate expertise in the treatment of addictive disorders. This process of international certification entails demonstration of structured clinical experience in addiction treatment and successful completion of an examination testing candidates’ clinical expertise.