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Guidebook for PFA for children and adolescents
Guidebook for PFA for children and adolescents
NEJM: Mild Cognitive Impairment http://is.gd/8Z5kz5
Useful introductory resource for medical students and the public to psychiatry.
MSF works with local psychologists in Misrata, Libya, following months of war, to treat anxiety, depression, post-traumatic reactions, psychosomatic complaints and behavioral disorders.
تمسكت الدكتورة بسمة عبد العزيز، مدير الإعلام والتثقيف بالأمانة العامة للصحة النفسية، بالبيان الذي أصدرته، الإثنين، لرفض إحالة المدون مايكل نبيل إلى مستشفى الصحة النفسية بالعباسية، رغم إحالتها للتحقيق وتبرؤ وزارة الصحة من البيان.
A non-obvious phenotype (feature/condition) in an individual that is associated with the illness, heritable and measurable even before the illness manifests.
Film on the medicalisation of female sexual dysfunction.
"It is intellectually dishonest for a mental health professional to give a diagnosis without examining the patient." http://is.gd/AMNLX0
A useful leaflet on sleeping well http://bit.ly/bBfJmW /by @rcpsych
It is an awful lot harder to convince people you're sane than it is to convince them you're crazy http://is.gd/97c13H #broadmoor #psychiatry
Junk food intervention for a patient with poisoning delusion http://is.gd/CHFrbG
Neurology vs Psychiatry http://bit.ly/eKCNfl
If you watched Qadafi's speech it's time to learn more about formal thought disorder http://is.gd/Zeogi4 #psychiatry #gaddafi
Anti-nausea drug Ondansetron helps some alcoholics stay abstinent.
GREAT NEWS: The building housing the Abbaseyya Psychiatric Hospital will be listed as an Islamic heritage site.
تقرير العاشرة مساءا بخصوص نقل مستشفى العباسية http://goo.gl/mQjQJ (hat tip @sarahcarr)
وقفة احتجاجية لأطباء مستشفى العباسية والعاملين بها الأحد ضد قرار نقلها وهدمها
The Video Journal of Psychiatry is an on-line psychiatry resource dedicated to supporting Lifelong Learning and Continuing Medical Education for psychiatrists in Ireland. All material is contributed by international psychiatry experts, both practitioner and researcher.
An article by Mark Vonnegut (K. Vonnegut's son who's now a paediatrician) on his illness.
Another scandal for Dr. Charles Nemeroff.
Developing nations have ridiculously few psychiatrists per population. Indonesia has 600.
From 1896–1901, 27% of cases of insanity admitted to the Egyptian Asylum at Cairo were attributed to the abuse of hasheesh.
قال التقرير النفسي الذي صدر بعد فحص سليمان بعد الحادث أن سليمان "مختل نوعًا ما " والسبب أن "الظلام كان يحول مخاوفه إلي أشكال أسطورية خرافية مرعبة تجعله يقفز من الفراش في فزع، وكان الظلام يجعله يتصور أن الأشباح تعيش في قاع الترعة وأنها تخبط الماء بقوة في الليل وهي في طريقها إليه". بناء على رأي أطباء وضباط وقضاة الحكومة، عوقب سليمان لأنهم أثبتوا أن الأشباح التي تخيفه في الظلام اسمها صهيونية.
Official figures (from CAPMAS according to Ahram) of suicide and deliberate self-harm in Egypt. According to this DSH is very high (104,000) but completed suicide is not (around 5000 per year which is about 6-7 per 100,000). They are saying rates are increasing. Still propagating the Eisenhower myth that Scand. countries have highest suicide rates. Young women attempt suicide more than men.
He was a guru to the Beatles and a brilliant psychiatrist who redefined the family — but his own children remember only drink, adultery and violence. Russell Miller investigates the madness of RD Laing. Photograph: Kieran Dodds