Posts with the tag « psychiatry » :

🔗 Cognitive behavioural therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder -- Veale 13 (6): 438 -- Advances in Psychiatric Treatment

An important cognitive process in OCD is the way thoughts or images become fused with reality. This process is called ‘thought–action fusion’ or ‘magical thinking'. Thus, if a person thinks of harming someone, they think that they will act on the thought or might have acted on it in the past. A related process is ‘moral thought–action fusion’, which is the belief that thinking about a bad action is morally equivalent to doing it. Lastly, there is ‘thought–object fusion’, which is a belief that objects can become contaminated by ‘catching’ memories or other people’s experiences.

🔗 Suicide rates in people of South Asian origin in England and Wales: 1993-2003 -- McKenzie et al. 193 (5): 406 -- The British Journal of Psychiatry

The South Asian Name and Group Recognition Algorithm (SANGRA) identifies South Asian individuals in data-sets by matching their names to the names in its directory. SANGRA has been validated using health-related electronic data containing names and self-assigned ethnicity, and has been used in a number of other epidemiological studies. Its reported sensitivity is 89–96% and specificity 94–98% for self-assigned ethnicity census categories Asian Bangladeshi',Asian Indian' or `Asian Pakistani'.

🔗 A Reappraisal of Poststroke Depression, Intra- and Inter-Hemispheric Lesion Location Using Meta-Analysis -- Narushima et al. 15 (4): 422 -- J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci


Results showed there was a significant inverse correlation between severity of depression and distance of the lesion from the frontal pole among 163 patients with left hemisphere stroke but not among 106 patients with right hemisphere stroke. This study supports the hypothesis that risk of poststroke depression is related to the location of brain injury.

🔗 Discriminant Analysis

The main purpose of a discriminant function analysis is to predict group membership based on a linear combination of the interval variables. The procedure begins with a set of observations where both group membership and the values of the interval variables are known. The end result of the procedure is a model that allows prediction of group membership when only the interval variables are known.

🔗 حرية المدمن ! | الدستور

د.لوزة يعتقد أن احترام حقوق المريض يعني أن تترك مهمة احتجازه بالقوة في المستشفي للشرطة كحل أخير، وأهل المرضي الذين شاركوا في ورشة العمل يؤكدون أن تدخل الشرطة يسبب إهانة للمدمن ولأهله. كما أنهم يعتبرون أن إبلاغ الشرطة عن أبنائهم سلوك غير أخلاقي، ويخلق فجوة لا يمكن إصلاحها بين المدمن وأهله.

🔗 Characteristics of mentally ill offenders from 100 psychiatric court reports in Egypt

Men constituted 93% of cases. In all, 73% of offenders were younger than 40 years old. Schizophrenia cases made up 13% of the total, substance related cases constituted 56% and amphetamine cases alone made up 21%; 10% of cases were antisocial personality disorders, and 51% of cases were classified as having a low education level. Unemployment was found in 34% of cases.