Posts with the tag « smoking » :

🔗 Ireland’s smoking ban 20 years on: how an unheralded civil servant triumphed against big tobacco


Proponents suspected – but could not prove – that the group was a proxy for the tobacco industry. It responded by enlisting support from health boards, the Asthma Society, the Cancer Society, academics and unions that represented hospitality workers forced to breathe secondhand smoke.

“A really significant coalition emerged that was bigger than the tobacco industry and vintners combined,” says Young.

🔗 Bupropion and varenicline added to WHO list of essential medicine


On 1 October 2021, the WHO announced the updated the Model List. Prior to this update, only nicotine replacement therapy was listed as an essential medicine for people who wish to stop using tobacco. Nicotine replacement therapy works by supplying nicotine in an alternative form, such as chewing gum or patches for a limited period, which helps reduce the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

After the update, two new medicines have now been added, indicating a powerful shift in the fight against the tobacco epidemic. Bupropion and varenicline are medicines which work in a different way from nicotine replacement. The new medicines reduce cravings for nicotine without supplying a nicotine substitute, thereby supporting people in quitting tobacco use and reducing nicotine dependence.

🔗 Cigarette manufacturing license tender criticized for preserving monopoly of state-controlled Eastern Tobacco


Eastern Tobacco, in which the government owns the majority 55 percent stake, has long held a legal monopoly on cigarette production in Egypt, allowing it to achieve major profits for state coffers. The company’s net profits have grown significantly in recent years, rising from LE908 million in 2014 to more than LE4 billion in 2018.

🔗 بمناسبة اليوم العالمى للإقلاع عن التدخين.. «الإحصاء»: 17.3% من المصريين مدخنون - جريدة المال


17.3% من إجمالي السُكان (15 سنة فأكثر) مدخـنون وهو ما يمثل 11.1 مليون نسمة وفقاً لتقديرات السكان لعام 2018 .

ولفت إليّ أنه يتعرض نحو 30 مليون فرد للتدخين السلبي بسبب وجود فرد مدخن أو أكثر داخل الأسر

🔗 The EVALI and Youth Vaping Epidemics — Implications for Public Health - NEJM


"As of January 7, 2020, a total of 2602 cases of EVALI had been reported to the CDC from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands; 57 deaths had been confirmed. All patients with EVALI have reported using vaping products. Nationally, most of these patients reported using THC-containing products, but some reported exclusive use of nicotine-containing products. The median age of patients was 24 years; 62% of patients were between 18 and 34 years old, and 16% were under 18.

🔗 E-cigarettes are still safer than smoking, scientists find | Society | The Guardian

"It became clear that it was not nicotine vaping that was implicated. Details were slow to emerge because the substances involved were in fact cartridges containing cannabis (primarily tetrahydrocannabinol or THC). These were often obtained on the illicit market, and in some cases being used by children. This meant users were reluctant to admit what they had vaped.

🔗 Everything you wanted to know about e-cigarettes and vaping but were afraid to ask: a guide for mental health clinicians

This article provides a historical and contemporary overview of e-cigarettes and vaping. The reader will gain an understanding of e-cigarette usage, risks and benefits, the current position on use of e-cigarettes in mental health settings, and tips on how to take an e-cigarette/vaping history and how to offer advice about use.

🔗 Do 'Light' Cigarettes Deliver Less Nicotine To The Brain Than Regular Cigarettes?


The two take-home messages are that very little nicotine is needed to occupy a substantial portion of brain nicotine receptors," Brody said, "and cigarettes with less nicotine than regular cigarettes, such as 'light' cigarettes, still occupy most brain nicotine receptors. Thus, low-nicotine cigarettes function almost the same as regular cigarettes in terms of brain nicotine-receptor occupancy.