Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 Abaa Biyya Highlights the Role of Students in the Oromo National Struggle


In 2000, EPRDF set fire haphazardly to all Oromia forests, including Bale forest which was recognized by UNESCO for its endemic fauna and flora. The Oromo students from elementary and high schools, and universities protested this atrocity referred to by conservationist as ‘ecological genocide’. The response to the student protest, as Human Rights Watch reported, was bloodshed. Similarly in 2001, police killed more than 30 people and wounded an estimated 400 more in putting down a student demonstration at the Addis Ababa University . In 2002, police opened machine-gun fire on protesters in Awassa, killing an estimated 38 people. Many students were kept in prison for months without ever being brought to court, a clear violation of human rights and the constitution of the regime itself in a manner …

🔗 غزة.. عن الصمود، والشارع، والاعلام


اخيرا.. لا اعتقد ان الهجمة الاسرائيلية لها علاقة بالصواريخ التي يتم اطلاقها من القطاع وهل تم تطويرها مؤخرا ام لا، بل ان اسرائيل تحتاج الى “نصر ما” بعد هزيمتها في لبنان. وهي لا تهدف الي وقف الصواريخ بقدر ما تهدف الي القضاء على “فكرة المقاومة”.. واذا اردنا تضامنا عالميا من اجل قضية عادلة يجب ان نتوقف عن شعارات الخلافة الاسلامية مثل “خيبر خيبر يا يهود جيش محمد سوف يعود”.. يجب ان نميز بين اليهودية والصهيونية.. يجب ان نتبنى القضية الفلسطينية كقضية حقوقية وانسانية أولا قبل ان تكون دينية.. فحينها فقط سيقف معك من هم ليسوا على دينك.. والامر جدير بالتفكير.

🔗 Conduit


Conduit is a synchronization application for GNOME. It allows you to synchronize your files, photos, emails, contacts, notes, calendar data and any other type of personal information and synchronize that data with another computer, an online service, or even another electronic device.

🔗 Tadamon


Tadamon is a new independent, non-political network of civil society organisations working to promote the welfare of refugees and their mutual co-existence with Egyptians through networking and coordination of cooperative efforts. Tadamon was first launch