🔗 Internet Archive: The Night of Counting the Years [فيلم المومياء ]
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A “grandmother cell” is a hypothetical neuron that responds only to a highly complex, specific, and meaningful stimulus, such as the image of one’s grandmother. This essay discusses the origin, influence, and current status of these terms and of the alternative view that complex stimuli are represented by the pattern of firing across ensembles of neurons.
blog intended to rapidly disseminate the latest scientific findings related to the nature, causes, & treatments of autism spectrum disorders.
tried to avoid reading it..
everyone is worried about baby abd el rahman
WTF is warm return policy?
في حد بيتناك في الخبر ده
نعم… أتكلم بكل جدية.. أنا الآن بصدد. بصدد ماذا… هذا ما لم أحدده بعد، ولكني أعلم تمام المعرفة أني بصدد شيء ما. المهم أني عاقد النية والعزم على القيام بفعل ما، في المستقبل القريب القريب، ولكن ليس الآن، أنا الآن لا يمكنني القيام بشيء. ولكن لكم مني وعدًا صادقًا بأني… بصدد.
31.4159265 North, 31.4159265 East is near Gamasa. (The real Pi 3.145, 3.145 is in the sea)
The information collected by the organization highlighted that there is no indication that refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants seeking to leave Egypt and cross into Israel used force or posed any threat to the Egyptian border guards who fired at them.
للرئيس أوضاع مختلفة يبدو عليها عند تصويره
research about free will
A special feature about post traumatic stress disorder, which is very timely after the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader. It's an extraordinary story of the lessons learned from the war in Bosnia, treating the psychological trauma in adolescence.
73,000 injured in 2007,
the distinct subjective perceptual quality which makes some items in the world stand out from their neighbours and immediately grab our attention.
El Na3ama found my doppelganger. And the resemblance is striking.
Contextual unit and timezone conversion on any web page (units: several metric/Imperial, both ways, configurable; timezones: any timezone to your local time).
“The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” <-- must see
del.izzy lets you search through all content, including title, description and page content, for all your bookmarks.
Bipolar mood shifts that occur at frequencies faster than once per 24 hours. Must be a nightmare.
"دايما أصف الناس وأيام الأسبوع بالألوان." El Set Na3ama is a Synesthete !!! The first synesthete I know is a friend and blogger!!!
Yes, but I don't agree.
When your friends are your references.
Loads of fun with Mubarak
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