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67x3 design
67x3 design
The PCL is a 17-item self-report measure of the 17 DSM-IV symptoms of PTSD. Respondents rate how much they were “bothered by that problem in the past month”. Items are rated on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (“not at all”) to 5 (“extremely”). There are several versions of the PCL. The original PCL is the PCL-M (military). The PCL-M asks about problems in response to "stressful military experiences." The PCL-S (specific) asks about problems in relation to an identified "stressful experience." The PCL-C (civilian) is for civilians and is not focused on any one traumatic events. Instead it asks more generally about problems in relation to stressful experiences.
PTSD Checklist
The advantage of probability sampling is that sampling error can be calculated. Sampling error is the degree to which a sample might differ from the population. When inferring to the population, results are reported plus or minus the sampling error. In nonprobability sampling, the degree to which the sample differs from the population remains unknown.
Mixing probabilistic and purposeful sampling methods.
American psychologists will not get involved in torture. Ha2aw!
Venlafaxine(Effexor) metabolite. Till now no clinical significant difference between it and its parent drug. Approved by FDA this year. Marketed under the name Pristiq. Wyeth trying to get approval for treatment of menopausal hot flushes to help sales.
From 1965 to 1973, when the Arab-Israeli conflict was at its peak in Egypt, he worked in psychiatry in military hospitals, serving at front line posts in Sinai and producing a thesis on the effects of the stress of military service on young men.
Books and papers by the internist and medical historian Paul Ghalioungui
The mental health services in Egypt today are described, and transcultural studies carried out in Egypt of the prevalence and phenomenology of anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, suicide, conversion and obsessive compulsive disorders are reviewed. The psychiatric services for children are in their infancy. Since 1983 the common and semi-accepted use of hashish has been joined by abuse by heroin and other substances.
IMDB clone for Arabic cinema :-)
Gamda gedan
Zen meditation can help bring persons to not thinking about anything quicker than control. Better than pink elephants? Also evidence that an experience/activity like meditation has neuropsychiatric effect.
Psychosocial intervention in mass violence and disasters
To the tune of Guantanamera. I wrote this in 2006 after I realized that "guantanamera" means "of Guantanamo (female)". "Guantanamero" means "of Guantanamo (male)". The words are in Spanish, but I have included an English translation. I thank Francisco Villa for his help. There is also a recording of this song, made together with amateur Cuban musicians.
a 2008 documentary film which explores the events surrounding the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse. The film was directed by Errol Morris.
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فسارع الطبيب بإخراج طبنجة وأطلق عليه عياراً نارياً اخترق صدره وأودي بحياته في الحال، ثم استعان بالممرض وقطع الجثة إلي أشلاء باستخدام منشار كهربائي، وقام بحرق الرأس والكفين أعلي سطح العقار لإخفاء معالمها ثم وضع الجثة داخل أكياس وتخلص منها في صناديق القمامة
she was brutally beaten and repeatedly gang-raped, but survived to become the first woman to break her people's cultural taboos about rape and speak out in the Western media about her experiences, exposing what was happening in Darfur. Readers of Tears Of The Desert, her harrowing account of her life, will be overwhelmed by pity and rage.
At 16 years of age, Leslie Lemke bloomed. In the middle of one night, May woke up to find Leslie playing Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. Leslie, who has no classical music training, was playing the piece flawlessly after hearing it just once earlier on the television.
to download
Fluent aphasia, neologisms, paraphasia and paragrammatism (via MindHacks). Amazing! ... ah, and hilarious.
Methylene blue will be marketed by the name Rember. Supposedly it disentangles tau protein that suppresses normal neuronal functioning in Alzheimer's. Will be first drug to reverse the course of disease. Research still by pharma only.
باسمة محمد موسي، الأستاذة بكلية طب الأسنان