🔗 Psychiatric Service Dog Society
We provide essential information for persons disabled by severe mental illness, who wish to train a service dog to assist with the management of symptoms.
We provide essential information for persons disabled by severe mental illness, who wish to train a service dog to assist with the management of symptoms.
instruments for use in measuring the effects of war, disaster and trauma on children
resilience in children or adults who were exposed to isolated and potentially traumatic events
Turn your handwriting in to a computer font.
Absolutists who violently rejected offers of money or peace for sacred land were considerably more inclined to accept deals that involved their enemies making symbolic but difficult gestures. For example, Palestinian hard-liners were more willing to consider recognizing the right of Israel to exist if the Israelis simply offered an official apology for Palestinian suffering in the 1948 war. Similarly, Israeli respondents said they could live with a partition of Jerusalem and borders very close to those that existed before the 1967 war if Hamas and the other major Palestinian groups explicitly recognized Israel’s right to exist.
One of the great mysteries is why people are often their own worst enemies. It's always confused me and it's at the heart of religion as well. I consider myself an optimist about humanity.
Governmental policy with regard to monopolies (e.g., permitting, prohibiting or regulating them) can have major effects not only on specific businesses and industries but also on the economy and society as a whole.
Ezzeldeen Abu al-Aish, a 55-year-old gynecologist who speaks Hebrew after training in two Israeli hospitals, sobbed as he reported the deaths [of his three daughters] shortly after an Israeli shell struck his home in the northern town of Jebaliya on Friday.
GNOME Do allows you to quickly search for many items present on your desktop or the web, and perform useful actions on those items.
There was also no evidence to show that local steel giant Ezz Steel had abused its dominant position in the sector in violation of the law, nor had smaller firms collaborated in anti-competitive practices.
"Once informed of a confession, an eyewitness is forever tainted."
P. Rizk's blog.
For each point of a road network, let there be given the number of cars starting from it, and the destination of the cars. Under these conditions one wishes to estimate the distribution of traffic flow. Whether one street is preferable to another depends not only on the quality of the road, but also on the density of the flow. If every driver takes the path that looks most favorable to him, the resultant running times need not be minimal. Furthermore, it is indicated by an example that an extension of the road network may cause a redistribution of the traffic that results in longer individual running times.
I really wonder if they can understand what is going on in Cairo and if they can find explanations or solutions to traffic here.
The morality of torture. Discusses the ticking time bomb scenario and the lesser-evil justification.
The most poignant moment in the film — and its masterstroke — are scenes of a wedding party complete with guests, cake, music and bride. The only thing missing is the groom himself: he is studying in Spain and has not been permitted to reenter Gaza. The families decide to go ahead with the wedding anyway, an act of defiance and desperation. There is perhaps no more powerful symbol of Gaza's plight than this, the abandoned bride of Palestine sitting alone and surrounded by well-wishers unable to do a thing to help her.
Any Israeli soldiers accused of war crimes in the Gaza Strip will be given state protection from prosecution overseas, the country's PM has said.
If you’re like me, and you love to buy far more books than you can read, how do you stop the insanity? After all, we’re not going to just stop buying books.
Everything should be archived.
Alexandria is a GNOME application to help you manage your book collection.
In adopting this identity these youths seem to be consciously rejecting Arab culture -- which after all, they perceive as having rejected them -- and embracing a world in which black is beautiful, successful and rich.
NDP youtube channel
this film shows the reality of modern India by portraying life in the slums and speaking with and working with slumdwellers rather than hiring actors and researchers.
An Egyptian police woman arrests a Muslim Brotherhood activist during a rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza in downtown Cairo, Wednesday, Jan. 21.