This book describes and illustrates statistical strategies that meet the sophistication/flexibility criteria for analyzing data from small samples of feThis book describes and illustrates statistical strategies that meet the sophistication/flexibility cri
The case is thought to be the first in which a psychiatrist has been held civilly responsible for a killing committed by a psychotic patient she had released into the community.into the community.
an intelligent search engine to retrieve biomedical correlations from MEDLINE
Search the Egyptian Blogosphere
a comprehensive approach to psychological treatment that deals not only with the emotional and behavioral aspects of human disturbance, but places a great deal of stress on its thinking component.
Kathleen M. Carroll, Ph.D.
The association for advancement of behavioral and cognitive therapy
Psychiatric fact sheets for public
Schematic diagram of the human brain that highlights some of the main brain areas and neurotransmitter pathways implicated in reward processes.
One shisha is equivalent of a pack of cigarettes in one typical 30-60 minute session with a waterpipe
Objective face-to-face structured interview. It is a 161-item multidimensional clinical and research instrument.
A Podcast about Psychiatry and Mental Health
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The war on google maps
black smoke from power plant fire
war on google earth
bir al abid district in beirut
a news blog about the war with graphic pictures that wouldn't be published elsewhere..
war diaries of a 30 year old woman... with love from beirut.
daily humanitarian summary by caritas lebanon in english and french