🔗 Egyptian POWs
نتذكر ان من أربعون سنة مضت ارتوت رمال صحراء سيناء بدماء الإلف من أسرى الحرب المصريين الأبرياء
نتذكر ان من أربعون سنة مضت ارتوت رمال صحراء سيناء بدماء الإلف من أسرى الحرب المصريين الأبرياء
first episode of Kleine-Levin (KLS) syndrome in a 17-year-old male
next generation TMS
Neilpryde Windsurfing desktop bakcgrounds
twittervision and flickrvision are a new form of entertainment
A geocoder made from searching Flickr photos
A good idea to make the free samples and donated drugs reach patients at any department in the hospital.
necessary steps to get the samsung syncmaster 940bw lcd monitor to work in widescreen 1440x900 resolution with the intel i810 card .. works for mandriva too
breve is a free, open-source software package which makes it easy to build 3D simulations of multi-agent systems and artificial life.
a zero rupee banknote to be given instead of real money to bribe officials. will this work ?
CLOCK mutant mice == manic mice ... animal models of bipolar disorder?
currently reading...
a 16 part series that explains a mathematical modeling paper in detail
by the "Developing Intelligence" blog.
أجندة الحياة الثقافية و الفنية في مصر
free cliffsnotes
ticket costs 200,000 USD aboard the SpaceShipTwo
100 million USD for a lunar mission, 40 million USD for a space walk, 25 million USD for a regular orbital mission and 102,000 for suborbital flight
3,500 USD for a series of 15 parabolic flights each lasting 30 seconds.
Universal Timeline Aggregator
ASF format stream works with mplayer in high quality (for it to work with amarok replace http:// with mmsh:// low quality).. for later streamripping or timeshifting
abortion clinics and organ transplantation
OpenSync is a PIM data synchronization framework that consists of several plug-ins that can be used to connect to different devices and systems.
a website that archives scanned photos of selected newspaper topics and events and provides statistics. impressive project, bad webdesign though
Dr. Tarek Ali Hassan's blog