🔗 Twitterholic: Who are these people?
Mostafa Hussein's Twitterholic Stats
Mostafa Hussein's Twitterholic Stats
essential stuff for my home network to function properly especially ssh
Creative commons music site
geonames rock
البحث عن كلمات عربية باستخدام لغة تخاطب الانترنت الحديثة
GVO + google maps = :-)
web2.0 goodness thanks to georss
post to twitter with curl command line utility
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers
هشام حتاتة !
Onkosh an Arabic Blogs Search engine. Features tags and latest updates. By Orascom Telecom
Warning: Highly Addictive!
geotagging your own location
a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work — in the web browser itself.
books and journal articles relating to practice guidelines in the treatment of mental disorders
ouch !
podcasts from the Institute of Psychiatry
social psychology
Click it while on a web page containing links to MP3s and it'll squirt out an M3U playlist to play all those tracks.
links to free lectures including psychology
or pehaps a moving target.
or pehaps a moving target.
To bother people not twittering
Abdel Fatah Murad's list of sites he wants to block