🔗 Her story: 'Beautiful madness' by Alexander Linklater | Prospect Magazine February 2006 issue 119
They had removed a stigma of the mind and replaced it with a stigma of the body. Olanzapine adverse effect.
They had removed a stigma of the mind and replaced it with a stigma of the body. Olanzapine adverse effect.
The image reveals that an intense thunderstorm complex at the time of the ferry accident.
The infamous sandstorm that turned the skies red
today's (08-02-2006) sandstorm by satellite imagery
Fans at Africa's Nations Cup have been as colourful as their teams' actions on the pitch
mythical white bird of enormous size
wind forcast dahab
Google map of Worldwide Windsurfing Locations
board sailing requires sustained isometric contraction of the pectoralis major, deltoid and scapular stabilizers to maintain appropriate pull of the sail against wind resistance.
During beating and reaching, the trapezius, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis, biceps brachii and tibialis anterior were very active, with the gluteus maximus being particularly important in beating.
injuries may be ascribed to the fact that the patients' feet were fixed in footstraps and that their legs were twisted during the fall.
symptoms resolved with conservative treatment, including cessation of windsurfing and a brief course of oral corticosteroids
The maneuvers most likely to result in injury were jumping, high-speed falls, and catapult falls.
jumps and loops are combined with a high risk of injury.
performances are highly dependent on the capacity of the athlete to maintain a high HR for long periods of time. (fitness ya3ny)
Aim of this study was to analyse the mechanisms of windsurfing injuries.
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The researchers modified plants to make high levels of bacterial antigens that vaccinated guinea pigs.
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The winding year saw the rise of figures and phenomena that promise to be of crucial importance this year.