Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 Going back into anki after a two months break


From Equivalent_Ad_8413:

Step one: turn off adding new cards to your schedule.

Step two: decide how many cards you at in a single day. Depending on your schedule, you may have a different number on weekends than weekdays.

Step three: each day, do the number of cards you've decided on in step two

Step four: once you have less than step two number of cards, turn adding new cards to your schedule back on.

You should notice that the backlog of cards will reduce over time. But don't reset your decks. All those cards that you'd be looking at with a month or longer delay will suddenly be showing up every day again.

Or this:

🔗 Frantz Fanon and the crisis of mental health in the Arab world


What explains the resilience of institutionalisation in the Arab world? The World Health Organization (WHO) often highlights the absence of mental health on the list of national priorities in the region, shortages in psychiatric personnel, limited funds, lack of resources, as well as lack of comprehensive mental health strategies. But political myopia, amateurish governance with short-term political agendas, and instability are in reality what makes alternative psychiatric futures impossible to conceive, let alone implement. What is more striking is the lack of a critical debate about the uncontested power of medical doctors and psychiatrists, and sometimes even their complicity with authoritarian regimes. This situation contrasts with many other countries that saw the emergence (particularly in the 1960s and ’70s) of vocal critiques of psychiatric practices, including the use …

🔗 Pyxel - a retro game engine for Python.



Similar to [[PICO-8]] but in python.

Thanks to its simple specifications inspired by retro gaming consoles, such as only 16 colors can be displayed and only 4 sounds can be played back at the same time, you can feel free to enjoy making pixel art style games.

🔗 How Amazon Sidewalk Steals Your Bandwidth


Amazon Sidewalk is a new feature that enables Amazon devices like Rings and Echos to perform a similar function, but instead with neighboring wifi networks. Sidewalk empowers these devices to connect to other Sidewalk-enabled hardware at long ranges using nearby wifi and bluetooth signals. Just as the hot tub works further away from your neighbor’s home by plugging into yours, the point of Sidewalk is to extend the distance at which the devices work by plugging into nearby wifi networks away from the ‘home’ network.

🔗 «النواب» يوافق مبدئيًا على الفصل الفوري للموظفين المتعاطين للمخدرات.. ومهلة 6 أشهر قبل التطبيق


وافق مجلس النواب من حيث المبدأ، اليوم، على مشروع قانون مقدم من الحكومة لإلزام جهات العمل الحكومية والخاصة بإجراء تحليل الكشف عن تعاطي المخدرات لجميع العاملين بها، بشكل مفاجئ، ودوري عند التعيين والترقية، وتوقيع عقوبة الفصل الفوري على كل موظف أو عامل يثبت تعاطيه المخدرات، بدلًا من إحالته للنيابة الإدارية التي توقع عقوبات تبدأ من الخصم من الراتب وتنتهي بالفصل.

ورغم أن مشروع القانون يبدو كرد فعل من الحكومة والبرلمان على حوادث القطارات الأخيرة، بعد ثبوت تعاطي عدد من السائقين والموظفين للمخدرات، إلا أن تقرير لجنة القوى العاملة بالبرلمان أوضح أن الحكومة أرسلت المشروع للمجلس قبل عامين، في آخر مايو 2019، وأن مجلس النواب بتشكيله السابق نظره قبل انتهاء مدته، وبعدها أعادت الحكومة، في يناير الماضي، مطالبة المجلس بتشكيله الحالي بإقرار المشروع، وهو ما قامت على إثره …

🔗 [Guide] How to remove DRM


<>DeDRM tools for ebooks

This is a repository that tracks all the scripts and other tools for removing DRM from ebooks that I could find, committed in date order as best as I could manage. (Except for the Requiem tools for Apple's iBooks, and Convert LIT for Microsoft's .lit ebooks.) This includes the tools from a time before Apprentice Alf had a blog, and continues through to when Apprentice Harper (with help) took over maintenance of the tools. <<<<

🔗 The Soviet “Doctors' Plot”—50 years on

In early 1953 Stalin planned to stage a show trial of several doctors, most of whom were Jewish and who were falsely accused of acting against the state—a trial that underlined Stalin's anti-Semitism

Despite the state's exoneration of the doctors immediately after Stalin's death, persistent anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union contributed to the emigration of hundreds of thousands of Jews, including many doctors, in subsequent decades

🔗 Black Achilles


<>So to ask whether Achilles and Odysseus are white or black is at one level to misread Homer. His colour terms aren’t designed to put people into racial categories, but to contribute to the characterisation of the individuals, using subtle poetic associations that evaporate if we just plump for ‘blond’ rather than ‘brown’, ‘tanned’ rather than ‘black’ (and vice versa). Greeks simply didn’t think of the world as starkly divided along racial lines into black and white: that’s a strange aberration of the modern, Western world, a product of many different historical forces, but in particular the transatlantic slave trade and the cruder aspects of 19th-century racial theory. <<<<

🔗 StreetComplete


StreetComplete is an easy to use editor of OpenStreetMap data available for Android. It can be used without any OpenStreetMap-specific knowledge. It asks simple questions, with answers directly used to edit and improve OpenStreetMap data. The app is aimed at users who do not know anything about OSM tagging schemes but still want to contribute to OpenStreetMap.

StreetComplete automatically looks for nearby places where a survey is needed and shows them as quest markers on its map. Each of these quests can then be solved on site by answering a simple question. For example, tapping on a marker may show the question "What is the name of this road?", with a text field to answer it. More examples are shown in the screenshots below.