Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 The Grizzlies 2020 / An uplifting sports drama set in a remote Indigenous community


<>This uplifting Canadian sports drama is based on a true story set in the remote Nunavut town of Kugluktuk. The small community has the highest teen suicide rate in North America, as it suffers from intergenerational trauma, and the resulting alcohol and drug abuse. A new young history teacher who is sent by the government is shocked by the state of the school and the lives of the teenagers. He realizes that he can’t engage the kids with history, and turns to his passion for Lacrosse to try to ignite change. <<<<

🔗 Emuparadise


<>Looking for retro video games? You've come to the right place! You will find tons of roms, isos and games here. Download and play them with an emulator or play them right inside your browser window! <<<<

🔗 TempleOS

<>TempleOS is a biblical-themed lightweight operating system (OS) designed to be the Third Temple prophesied in the Bible. It was created by American programmer Terry A. Davis, who developed it alone over the course of a decade after a series of manic episodes that he later described as a revelation from God. <<<<



<>Welcome to the Theoi Project, a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion. <<<<

🔗 A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics: Second Edition (pdf)


<> A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics uses your familiarity with ideas from programming and software to teach mathematics.

You'll learn about the central objects and theorems of mathematics, covering graphs, calculus, linear algebra, eigenvalues, optimization, and more. You'll also be immersed in the often unspoken cultural attitudes of mathematics, learning both how to read and write proofs while understanding why mathematics is the way it is. Between each technical chapter is an essay describing a different aspect of mathematical culture, and discussions of the insights and meta-insights that constitute mathematical intuition.

As you learn, we'll use new mathematical ideas to create wondrous programs, from cryptographic schemes to neural networks to hyperbolic tessellations. Each chapter also contains a set of exercises that have you actively explore …

🔗 Oh Shit, Git!?!


Git is hard: screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is fucking impossible. Git documentation has this chicken and egg problem where you can't search for how to get yourself out of a mess, unless you already know the name of the thing you need to know about in order to fix your problem.

🔗 Huge study supporting ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns

The study found that patients with Covid-19 treated in hospital who “received ivermectin early reported substantial recovery” and that there was “a substantial improvement and reduction in mortality rate in ivermectin treated groups” by 90%.

But the drug’s promise as a treatment for the virus is in serious doubt after the Elgazzar study was pulled from the Research Square website on Thursday “due to ethical concerns”. Research Square did not outline what those concerns were.

A medical student in London, Jack Lawrence, was among the first to identify serious concerns about the paper, leading to the retraction. He first became aware of the Elgazzar preprint when it was assigned to him by one of his lecturers for an assignment that formed part of his master’s degree …

🔗 croc


croc is a tool that allows any two computers to simply and securely transfer files and folders. AFAIK, croc is the only CLI file-transfer tool that does all of the following:

allows any two computers to transfer data (using a relay)
provides end-to-end encryption (using PAKE)
enables easy cross-platform transfers (Windows, Linux, Mac)
allows multiple file transfers
allows resuming transfers that are interrupted
local server or port-forwarding not needed
ipv6-first with ipv4 fallback
can use proxy, like tor

🔗 Qahiri Font


خط «قاهری» الكوفی المصحفی (على قاعدة الأستاذ محمد عبد القادر) أصبح متاحًا على خطوط جوجل. «قاهری» خط مجانی مفتوح المصدر من تصمیم خالد حسني.