🔗 raspberry-pi
<>So to ask whether Achilles and Odysseus are white or black is at one level to misread Homer. His colour terms aren’t designed to put people into racial categories, but to contribute to the characterisation of the individuals, using subtle poetic associations that evaporate if we just plump for ‘blond’ rather than ‘brown’, ‘tanned’ rather than ‘black’ (and vice versa). Greeks simply didn’t think of the world as starkly divided along racial lines into black and white: that’s a strange aberration of the modern, Western world, a product of many different historical forces, but in particular the transatlantic slave trade and the cruder aspects of 19th-century racial theory. <<<<
StreetComplete is an easy to use editor of OpenStreetMap data available for Android. It can be used without any OpenStreetMap-specific knowledge. It asks simple questions, with answers directly used to edit and improve OpenStreetMap data. The app is aimed at users who do not know anything about OSM tagging schemes but still want to contribute to OpenStreetMap.
StreetComplete automatically looks for nearby places where a survey is needed and shows them as quest markers on its map. Each of these quests can then be solved on site by answering a simple question. For example, tapping on a marker may show the question "What is the name of this road?", with a text field to answer it. More examples are shown in the screenshots below.
An online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance.
Feed filtering rules for Miniflux feed reader.
Health Icons is a volunteer effort to create a ‘global good’ for health projects all over the world. These icons are available in the public domain for use in any type of project.
Pre-course resources to refresh knowledge of math, programming, and neuroscience.
Tweet thread from EIPR explaining the summons over this [[tweet|استدعاء حسام بهجت بسبب تغريدة]]
استدعاء حسام بهجت بسبب تغريدة
<>رئيس هيئة الانتخابات "المستشار" لاشين ابراهيم ادار وتولى مسؤولية أسوأ انتخابات تشريعية في مصر وأكثرها تزويرا وتلاعبا منذ ٢٠١٠ وربما منذ ١٩٩٥. اعلن النتائج النهائية في منتصف ديسمبر وقدم للنظام برلمانا حسب طلباته وبعد اقل من اسبوعين مرض ومات اليوم. العزاء لأسرته والعبرة للبقية. <<<<
يتعلق الاختراع الحالى بأنتاج كشرى مجفف منزوع الماء سريع التحضير ذو فترة صلاحية طويلة حيث يتم إنتاجة من المكرونة بأنواعها والأرز والشعرية والعدس والحمص مع أضافات أخرى من صلصة الطماطم بصورها المختلفة والدقة والبصل المقلى والشطة .
Free Calculus book from MIT
<>The goal of this book is to the tell the story of statistics as it is used today by researchers around the world. It’s a different story than the one told in most introductory statistics books, which focus on teaching how to use a set of tools to achieve very specific goals. This book focuses on understanding the basic ideas of statistical thinking — a systematic way of thinking about how we describe the world and use data make decisions and predictions, all in the context of the inherent uncertainty that exists in the real world. It also brings to bear current methods that have only become feasible in light of the amazing increases in computational power that have happened in the last few decades. Analyses that would …
Khan Academy's Linear Algebra videos
Math explained visually. Accessible math lessons. I watched the linear algebra videos.
Ten simple rules to help you communicate the main idea of your paper. These rules are designed to make your paper more influential and the process of writing more efficient and pleasurable.
Grok TiddlyWiki is a textbook that helps you build a deep, lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called takeaways.
Helpful resources to guide you on psychiatry training programme in the United Kingdom (UK) and career development.
A useful guide to gender identity norms and the use of pronouns by cis/trans gender individuals.
<<<This notebook will explore these concepts in a concrete way using Python code. The code is meant to be succint and explicit, and fast enough to handle sample spaces with millions of outcomes. If you need to handle trillions, you'll want a more efficient implementation. I also have another notebook that covers paradoxes in Probability Theory.
Useful Anki tips
The 13th Edition Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, a.k.a. the “Pink Book,” provides physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and others with the most comprehensive information on routinely used vaccines and the diseases they prevent.