Posts with the tag « drug » :

🔗 Cannabis condemned: the proscription of Indian hemp


''Aims'' To find out how cannabis came to be subject to international narcotics legislation.

''Method'' Examination of the records of the 1925 League of Nations’ Second Opium Conference, of the 1894 Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission and other contemporary documents.

''Findings'' Although cannabis (Indian hemp) was not on the agenda of the Second Opium Conference, a claim by the Egyptian delegation that it was as dangerous as opium, and should therefore be subject to the same international controls, was supported by several other countries. No formal evidence was produced and conference delegates had not been briefed about cannabis. The only objections came from Britain and other colonial powers. They did not dispute the claim that cannabis was comparable to opium, but they did want to avoid …

🔗 «النواب» يوافق مبدئيًا على الفصل الفوري للموظفين المتعاطين للمخدرات.. ومهلة 6 أشهر قبل التطبيق


وافق مجلس النواب من حيث المبدأ، اليوم، على مشروع قانون مقدم من الحكومة لإلزام جهات العمل الحكومية والخاصة بإجراء تحليل الكشف عن تعاطي المخدرات لجميع العاملين بها، بشكل مفاجئ، ودوري عند التعيين والترقية، وتوقيع عقوبة الفصل الفوري على كل موظف أو عامل يثبت تعاطيه المخدرات، بدلًا من إحالته للنيابة الإدارية التي توقع عقوبات تبدأ من الخصم من الراتب وتنتهي بالفصل.

ورغم أن مشروع القانون يبدو كرد فعل من الحكومة والبرلمان على حوادث القطارات الأخيرة، بعد ثبوت تعاطي عدد من السائقين والموظفين للمخدرات، إلا أن تقرير لجنة القوى العاملة بالبرلمان أوضح أن الحكومة أرسلت المشروع للمجلس قبل عامين، في آخر مايو 2019، وأن مجلس النواب بتشكيله السابق نظره قبل انتهاء مدته، وبعدها أعادت الحكومة، في يناير الماضي، مطالبة المجلس بتشكيله الحالي بإقرار المشروع، وهو ما قامت على إثره …

🔗 COVID-19: Potential Implications for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders | Nora's Blog, NIDA


"Because it attacks the lungs, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could be an especially serious threat to those who smoke tobacco or marijuana or who vape. People with opioid use disorder (OUD) and methamphetamine use disorder may also be vulnerable due to those drugs’ effects on respiratory and pulmonary health. Additionally, individuals with a substance use disorder are more likely to experience homelessness or incarceration than those in the general population, and these circumstances pose unique challenges regarding transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19."

🔗 The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission 1893–1894


The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission report (1894) is often highly lauded by those who approve of its recommendation in favour of the regulation and taxation of cannabis. This paper discusses the report in the light of current evidence. The Commission found that excessive ganja use could cause psychosis, but such use was rare. It recommended that cannabis should be regulated and taxed rather than prohibited, because most cannabis use did not cause harm, regulation and taxation would limit excessive use and prohibition would prevent its medical use and generate an illicit cannabis market. The report's analysis of the role of cannabis in psychosis is consistent with recent epidemiological evidence. Historical scholarship, however, raises serious doubts about the extent to which the Commission's findings on cannabis regulation were affected …

🔗 CBD, with Dr Amir Englund | Say Why To Drugs on acast


"Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound found in cannabis. In recent times it's began to be found on our high streets, available in everything from coffee to ice-cream to vape liquid. It's also been touted as a medication to treat a variety of health ailments, from childhood epilepsy to insomnia. In this episode Suzi is joined by researcher Dr Amir Englund from Kings College London to separate myth from evidence around what CBD is, and what it can, and can't do."