🔗 Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress — PNAS
Effects of stress on telomeres and aging.
Effects of stress on telomeres and aging.
More generally, the findings show that the neural mechanisms underlying racial and sex-role stereotypes are distinct from one another, and also that the underlying genetics are different.
Sleep deprivation is only a part of it but to pretend that it isn't torture is absurd. It cripples people mentally and, often, physically too.
But now that I'm in jail it's a scary thought. It would take no less than 3 months for the dust to settle and who knows what will be the result of this power struggle. Most likely no one but immediate family will remember us until it is over.
Psychology students with limited or no clinical experience can agree well on the personality traits of movie characters based on watching the movie. Rating movie characters may be a way to practice assessment of personality.
Comic based on the artist's life about depression.
"Those who feel complicit with the torture have a need to justify the torture, and so link the victim's pain to blame," says Gray. "On the other hand, those distant from torture have no need to justify it and so can sympathize with the suffering of the victim, linking pain to innocence."
10 out of 13 experienced visual hallucinations after 1 day of blindfolding. (I don't have access to full-text, if you do please send it to me.)
''Maybe [the kid is] blindfolded for him not to see the base and how we're working... But I believe maybe we put the blindfold because we don't want to see his eyes. You don't want him to look at us - you know, beg us to stop, or cry in front of us. It's a lot easier if we don't see his eyes.
A photograph of Phineas Gage identified on Flickr!!
What about books? .. I feel attached to the imaginary characters in novels more than the tv or film ones. They are more memorable to me, as if they and their stories were real old friends with real life situations that did happen.
When faced with the photograph of the baby people were far more likely to send the wallet back
A diagram of recently discovered perceptual illusions.
Mild depressive symptoms can therefore be seen as a natural part of dealing with failure in young adulthood. They set in when a goal is identified as unreachable and lead to a decline in motivation. In this period of low motivation, energy is saved and new goals can be found. If this mechanism does not function properly, though, severe depression can be the consequence.
What do rats & rabbits dream of?
When Bush ducked and Maliki didn't flinch as the first shoe sailed toward them, it was a real-world example supporting the theory that there are two independent pathways in the human visual system.
Do people who speak different languages think differently simply because they speak different languages? Does learning new languages change the way you think? Do polyglots think differently when speaking different languages?
Prejudice against people with different accents develops in infants before they start to speak. Very interesting post.
For sure if there was a cordon of Central Security forces around the guys dancing, no one would have joined.
We air our feelings and dirty laundry on television talk shows. Many Americans rely on advice from a therapist to get them through daily crises and boost our self-esteem. The news media constantly relays stories of people "at risk". And our lunch conversations are sprinkled with the phrases "scarred for life," "emotionally fragile", and "How did I get here." Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fbooks.google.com.eg%2Fbooks%3Fid%3Drpv1cI7MI34C%26hl%3Den
Ginges found that a person's stance on martyrdom had little to do with their religious devotion or to any particular religious belief. Instead, it was the collective side of religion that affected their stance - those who frequently took part in religious rituals and services, were most likely to support martyrdom.
Everything in your head, we want to get it out.
instruments for use in measuring the effects of war, disaster and trauma on children
Absolutists who violently rejected offers of money or peace for sacred land were considerably more inclined to accept deals that involved their enemies making symbolic but difficult gestures. For example, Palestinian hard-liners were more willing to consider recognizing the right of Israel to exist if the Israelis simply offered an official apology for Palestinian suffering in the 1948 war. Similarly, Israeli respondents said they could live with a partition of Jerusalem and borders very close to those that existed before the 1967 war if Hamas and the other major Palestinian groups explicitly recognized Israel’s right to exist.