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lego torture
lego torture
Lego recreation of US torture in Abu Gharib.
تبين أن «الفلاشة» والأقراص المدمجة التى ذكرت تحريات المباحث أنها تحتوى على مسح وخرائط للقرى الحدودية بين مصر وإسرائيل، وشفرات للتواصل مع قيادات حزب الله، فارغة ولا تحتوى على أى شىء، خلافا لما أقر به المتهم نمر فهمى سليمان من قبل، حيث ذكر فى تحقيقات سابقة أن الأحراز التى ضمت «فلاشة وسيديهات» احتوت على خرائط ومسوح تفصيلية لأماكن وقرى سياحية بسيناء ،كما أنها تحوى شفرة التخاطب مع مسئولى الحزب بلبنان. وقال نمر فى التحقيقات التى استكملت مساء أمس الأول إنه «اضطر للأدلاء بتلك الاعترافات تحت وطأة الظروف التى تعرض لها أثناء احتجازه».
The detainee, Adel Ghareez, had been left paralyzed as a result and was moved to hospital after his condition had deteriorated. His brother remains in custody.
The possible reinstatement of two policemen found guilty of torture would be an implicit encouragement from the Egyptian authorities for all police officers to use torture, Amnesty International said today as it urged Egypt’s Interior Minister not to allow this.
أول ما اتوليت منصبي الحالي استدعتني أمن الدولة والرقابة الإدارية وجهة سيادية أخري، وبصراحة صعقت عندما وجدت كم المعلومات الهائل عني لديهم، هما بالأساس موجودين لحماية الأشخاص داخل المصلحة.
"I admit that I am responsible for the crimes, torture and execution at S-21," said Kaing Khev Iev, 66, better known as Duch, using the code name for Tuol Sleng prison, where more than 12,000 men, women and children were tortured before being executed in the nearby "killing fields" outside the capital.
“An officer responsible for April 6 [strike] internet activity asked me very strange questions such as, 'Why do you blog? Why do you use the internet? Who in the Shebab 6 April movement is in a relationship? Who wants to get married?'”
Can't we do the same against el-Adly? Can't HR lawyers outside Egypt raise a case against the US extraordinary renditions program and include Habib el-Adly and other Arab mercenary torturers?
Some 4,000 non-forensic physicians, 1,000 prosecutors and 500 judges will also learn how to evaluate medical reports in suspected torture cases and ensure that they are used correctly in legal proceedings.
Each year, IRCT centres and programmes commemorate the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture through events that highlight the importance of preventing torture and providing rehabilitation to torture survivors. Previously, the IRCT had two 30-second television spots produced: “You can do something to stop torture” and “Let’s erase torture”. We are looking to expand our portfolio of TV spots by sponsoring a short-film competition. Anyone with an interest in helping to promote the vision of the IRCT is welcome to enter.
Everything in your head, we want to get it out.
I was repeatedly questioned about everything and I was terrified. Although I was not abused physically, I was blind-folded all the time. Officers kept saying to me: "Do you know what we can do to you?", and I was threatened with long term imprisonment. They asked me if I supported Hamas, was working for Israel, and, being Christian, if I was an evangelist. I was never informed of any charges against me.”
the Egyptians tortured him with electric shocks
“There was information that Heim was in Egypt working as a police doctor between 1967 and the beginning of the ’70s,” said Joachim Schäck, head of the fugitive unit at the state police. “This lead proved to be false.”
"Once informed of a confession, an eyewitness is forever tainted."
The morality of torture. Discusses the ticking time bomb scenario and the lesser-evil justification.
Manfred Nowak, said news that Obama will order the prison closed, review military trials of terror suspects and end harsh interrogations was a sign of goodwill by the new American administration.
Research by the Gaza Community Mental Health Project
According to Summerfield, half the population in Gaza have "basically spent some time in [Israeli] detention, some of them for years." The proportion of the Gazan adult male population interrogated and tortured, he adds, is probably higher than any population in the world.
Since its premises were destroyed by Israeli bombs on 30 December the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) – a member of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) – has been unable to provide care to an ever increasing number of traumatised civilians. Another IRCT member centre in Gaza, the Jesoor Organization, is also unable to operate due to the security situation.
No, I disagree it is very dangerous.
So in France, Germany, Spain and to some extent the US.
A bill that will allow torture survivors to seek justice in English courts for the torture they endured overseas. Does anyone know of other countries that has a similar law?
HMLC seminar