Posts with the tag « torture » :

🔗 » Nowhere to Turn

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), in partnership with Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), has published a report documenting the scope and long-term impact of rape and other sexual violence experienced by women who fled attacks on their villages in Darfur and are now refugees in neighboring Chad. This scientific study, corroborates women’s accounts of rape and other crimes against humanity that they have experienced in Darfur, as well as rape and deprivations of basic needs in refugee camps in Chad.

🔗 Robert Fisk: Police state is the wrong venue for Obama's speech - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent


Human rights workers have been physically assaulted as well as arrested. When Dr Magda Adly, of the Al-Nadeem Centre for the rehabilitation of torture victims, left a police station in Kafr el-Dawa after interviewing four detainees who said they had been tortured, she was knocked unconscious and her arm was broken.

🔗 Somali and Oromo Refugees: Correlates of Torture and Trauma History

Oromos were tortured more often than Somalis, whereas Oromo men and Somali women were the ethnic/gender groups most often tortured. A number of possible explanations can be posited. The very high rates in the Oromo community may reflect long-standing interethnic conflicts. Somali women were more often tortured than Somali men. Anecdotally, Somali men were either killed in their home country or able to escape unharmed, whereas women and children had a more difficult time leaving the country.

🔗 مصادر: «الطب الشرعى» كشف على المتهمين فى قضية «حزب الله» .. ولم يجد آثار تعذيب

المتهمين حضروا فى سيارة ترحيلات بعد منتصف الليل، وأدخلهم الحرس على دفعات إلى مبنى مصلحة الطب الشرعى، الذى شهد حراسة أمنية مشددة حتى انتهت إجراءات الكشف الطبى عليهم، والتى استمرت لمدة ٣ ساعات تقريباً، وقال شهود عيان إن ٨ سيارات أمن مركزى وشرطة كانت تحاصر المبنى وغادرت بعد انتهاء الكشف.