Before pointing fingers

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Two deplorable acts of violence occurred in the past two or three days against a priest who was stabbed to death in Assiut and a house owned by a Bahaai family was set alight in Sohag. The details of both events are still not known, yet people started to point blame.

This time blame is pointed to state security, Mubarak or his remaining actors. Although, this is a legitimate hypothesis and needs to be taken …

Translation of a video testimony of a protester shot by the police on the 28th of January in Cairo

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

This a very quick translation of this video testimony that was sent to me. I think it is very important and moving.

The video is slightly graphic near the end.

My name is Mohammed el-Faramawy

I joined the marches on the Friday of Anger on the 28th of January. I had a first aid bag on my back, I took it with me to Tahrir square to treat the injured, at around 1 the army …

Torture and police, what now?

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

AlJazeera English Inside Story aired a 25 minutes interview with psychiatrist Dr. Ahmed Okasha, Hisham Safie Eldin a former police officer and Wael Omar a film maker about torture and the relationship between people and the police.

The program showed some footage of police officers and policemen protesting in the past few days. But didn't interview anyone from El Nadim centre for rehabilitation of victims of torture, which is the only centre in Egypt that …

الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Deluge of news. This time it is very big.

Yesterday, young people were defiant despite the ban on protests. A thousand or more appeared from no where on the streets of downtown after every attempt to disperse, beat and arrest them by the police and police hired thugs.


Photo by Sarah Carr

Police brutality was on display in full force in the main streets of downtown. The use of electric cattle prods was also there …

تفجيرات الأسكندرية

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa


مش عارف أرتب اللي عايز أقوله أو التفكير بوضوح بعد تفجير اليوم.

صور ما بعد الأنفجار تذكرني ببغداد.

ساعات من الرعب والهلع في مطلع عام جديد. صدمة.

هل العمل في التوعية في الموضيع الغير مثيرة للجدل مثل التعذيب هو تضييع وقت؟ بمعنى الناس كلها في أغلب الوقت متفقة على أن التعذيب يجب أن ينتهى وأنه بمجرد تغيير سيحدث قريبا أو بعيدا قد تحل المشكلة بشكل كبير؟ هل من الأهم العمل على التوعية بأهمية المواطنه والمساواه …

Rehabilitation of Police Officers?

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

Since change from the top seems unlikely. Civil society should establish programs to reach out and provide alternative career options for current police officers who are willing to leave their jobs.

For example, they may help them transform into lawyers. NGOs may fund masters programs in different Law schools, provide them with extra tuition help, enroll them in human rights courses and help them establish small combined legal offices through grants.

Priority can be set …

Khaled Said

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

I think by now you might have heard of Khaled Said. The Alexandrian 28 years old who died minutes after two secret policemen approached him in an internet café sparking outrage after a photo following the autopsy was published on the internet. Two blurry photographs of a bloody disfigured head.

What happened exactly is still under investigation by the prosecution. Witnesses say he was beaten by the two secret policemen. They say they did this …

Torture is a virus of the mind and the cure is absolute prohibition

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

electron microscope image of the polio virus

Torture is an organism that lives in the dark, it's done in secret and seems to be successful in staying as such. It's more successful in hiding when it's inexplicable. The fewer the (logical) reasons behind torture, the more your testimony will be difficult to believe and the more questions will be raised around your absence. Even from people who know you best.

This organism evolved the ability to live in the dark. From being …

The stupid bouncers won't let Per in

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

UPDATE: Read Sarah's post she has more details.

Woke up this morning to learn from Twitter and text messages that early this morning at 2am, Per Björklund was stopped by the Cairo Airport security and wasn't allowed entrance to the country. He is to be deported back to Prague.

3arabawy sent a twitter message saying that Per was told the reason for stopping him is because they have his name on their computer. Nothing more …

Why was the death of Mervat Abdel Fattah not as spectacular?

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa

On October 2008, in Samalut, Menya, few hundred kilometres from Cairo, a pregnant 36 years old woman was woken up, terrified, early in the morning along with her husband and their 8 years old son, by 5 police officers looking for her brother-in-law. Mervat was kicked by police officer Ahmed Anwar in her stomach, she fell and in 10 minutes she died. Her 8 years old son, Sayyed, witnessed the assault and the death of …